6: Are you dense Peggy?

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"Ugh, it's so itchy" I complained

I was currently standing in front of my wall-length mirror, inspecting my new school uniform.

MBPA required the girls to mid-thigh length navy skirts, skin tone tights, white collared shirts, a navy blazer with the school logo in gold, and nude tone pumps.

It's was horrible.

"You will just have to get used to it" my mother sighed, smoothing out the few wrinkles in my blazer.

I gave her a nod, and walked over grabbing my bag.

I had five binders, three notebooks, two folders, a pack of pencils, and my calculator organized perfectly. I'm determined to be completely prepared.

I did a quick once over in my mirror. My dark hair was tied into a sleek ponytail and I wore minimal makeup. A little concealer, mascara, blush, and clear lip gloss goes a long way.

"Skylar, stop overthinking. You look great"

I turned my head sharp at the one person who could calm me down every time.

"Hey dad"

"Five minutes Sky, you don't want to be late"

He had a small smile that barley reached his eyes. My mom walked over to him placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll be in the truck soon. I need to grab my phone" I told him

"I'll be waiting"

"My little girls first day of Junior year, it was just yesterday I brought you home from the hospital" my mom said, a tear rolling down her face.

I reached out and wiped it away and hugged her. She released me holding my arms at arm's length giving me a look over. She squeezed my arms before letting go.

I watched as dad and mom walked out of my room. I took a deep breath before grabbing my phone and walking slowly, towards the vehicle that would lead me to my new future.


"Good luck"

I gave my dad a thumbs up and wave before I climbed up the marble steps.

I am certainly going to get my steps in.

I looked around and saw there were students everywhere in matching uniforms.

The boys were wearing navy slacks with a white collared shirt with the same blazer I was wearing.

Most of the girls had their skirts hemmed making them even shorter. I immediately felt self-conscious about my skirt.

Was I supposed to do that?

I continued walking into the beautiful brick building, shaking my head. I shouldn't care if my skirt was short like the others. I was in school uniform and that's why I was here. To get an education.

I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my camera roll trying to find the picture of my schedule.

I wasn't paying attention when I felt my shoulder hit someone.

Quickly looking up I began to apologize when I noticed it was Margaret Houston.

"I am so sorry Margaret" I held up my hands ready to block a slap just incase. I don't know if she would do that but it happens in the movies.

" I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" I continued

She had her long blonde her curled framing her face beautifully. Even though she wasn't very nice to me when we met, it didn't mean she didn't look like a model.

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