7: I hate these dang shoes

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" Class, please quiet down." the teacher said, walking into the room.

He looked to be in his late fifties early sixties. The teacher wore a yellow sweater vest with a blue button-up colored shirt underneath. His pepper gray hair was curly and desperately needed a cut and his eyes had wrinkles underneath from what I assumed was laughter over the years.

" I would like to introduce the new Griffin Scholarship student" he announced clapping his hands together.

I inwardly groaned at his idea. I don't need any more attention than I already have. I sunk down in my seat hoping for a miracle to happen. Maybe the fire alarm would go off? Or a tornado warning. I looked out the window an sighed noting the blue skies.

I gave Cleo a wary glance but she just gave me a thumbs up and a smile.

"Ms. Rowan, please stand" the teacher said with a warm look on his face. He reminded me of Stan Lee with his smile.

I gulped at his words, placing my shaking hands on the wooden table, and slowly stood.

"Tell us about yourself" he smiled

I looked down at the table but before I even opened my mouth, when a boy with curly blonde hair came barging in.

" Sorry Mr. Reynolds, I had to help a poor lost girl. She somehow found herself in a closet" the guy explained

Mr. Reynolds rolled his eyes at the boy's pathetic cover of a hookup.

" Just take a seat Thomas"

The boy waltzed his way over, giving me a wink, and plopped down in the seat behind me.

Why did he wink at me? What a creep.

"Please, Ms. Rowan, go on"

I took a deep breath before I began. I hated talking in front of the class. Class presentations never bothered me because no one paid attention anyways, but now, all of the rich eyes were in me.

"Umm... My name is Skylar Rowan. I'm sixteen. I used to go to Jefferson, but I got a scholarship. M-"

" My parents' scholarship"

I turned around to see who had rudely interrupted me. It was the boy, Thomas, who had come in late. He wore a single smirk and leaned his head into his entwined hands.

" I'm sorry?"

Thomas sat up straight before standing up reaching his hand out. I gave him a confused look but grabbed a hold of his had anyways.

" Thomas Griffin. Son of the reason you are in this room in the first place" he explained.

My mouth opened a little in shock. This was the last thing I needed. The son of the donors of my scholarship who if I made mad could take this school away with a snap of his fingers.

" Oh, wow, please tell your parents I very thank full for them funding my education," I told him a sincere as I could.

" Mr. Griffin, please let Ms. Rowan finish. You have interrupted her twice now."

Thomas looked annoyed that the teacher was telling him what to do but he begrudgingly sat down.

I started talking again when Thomas interrupted again.

What was this guy's problem?

" I'm sorry but I can interrupt her if I want. She wouldn't even have this moment if it's wasn't for me. She would still be in that rat hole of a public school." He shot back at the teacher.

I felt my cheeks redden in anger.

" Actually it's not because of you. It's because of your parents. Your parents have the money, you don't. I bet you haven't worked a day in your life, unlike me. I'm here because I've worked hard in school for the past ten years." I snapped at him.

I am so tired of people acting like they are so much better than others because they have a lot of Franklins.

" And that public is an excellent school. Just because we don't drive Audi's and Porsches to school or wear Gucci to sleep in doesn't mean we should be treated like that" I added, turning around and sitting back down.

I heard someone start clapping for me and saw it was no other than Cleo. I shot her a smile before Mr. Renyolds told her to turn around.

" Ms. Rowan, that was very unnecessary" Mr. Reynolds condemned.

" It was very necessary. I have only met four people at this school and three of them has the same mentality as he does" I answered as polite as I possibly could.

" Well, let's just move on and get started on the lesson" he asked, clearly not wanting to deal with me.

The whole class gave a polite nod and opened our physics textbook.


"That was great girl."

I rolled my eyes at Cleo. I didn't do anything special, just gave Thomas a little dose of reality.

"People around here need to realize that their money isn't going to impress everybody" I answered

Cleo and I were walking up the stairs towards our next class. I couldn't believe my luck that the one person who befriended me had all but one class together.

According to Cleo it wasn't that big of a deal. If you were on the advanced track, the students pretty much had the same schedule with a few exceptions.

"That's really true. Everyone around here is to spoiled for their own good."

I couldn't agree more. I quickly noticed that the uniform policy wasn't strictly enforced.

None of the girls were wearing the heels and most of the skirts were much shorter and very few girls were wearing the tights.

"So Cleo, What's the deal with the uniforms? Why a-"

"Why are some not wearing what we're supposed to?"
She interrupted

I nodded my head. If I can get away with not wearing these shoes I will be wearing converse tomorrow.

"Most pay the dean off. But he doesn't really care about shoes not matter who you are"

I gave a nodded as I watched my feet going up the steps.

"Alright this is my class"

I looked up at Cleo and saw we were standing in front of the debate room.

"Yours is down the hall to the left"

I looked towards where she was pointing and saw a group of students hanging outside the door.

"Thank You Cleo. You have been a big help" I smiled

She shook her head and waved her hand, brushing off my thanks. I took my phone out so I had an excuse not to talk to anyone.

I was at the intersection of another hall when I heard voices yelling. Lifting my head I saw three tall muscular boys running as fast as they can.

In shock I quickly took a step forward, trying to get out of the way, when I felt my ankle turn.

I hate these dang shoes.

I reached for my foot, trying to rub away the pain. It's was probably just rolled and would be better tomorrow.

In my moment of pain, I completely forgot about the boys running towards me.

I tried taking a step forward again but I felt someone hit my side.

I yelped in pain as my bad foot snapped, and I fell towards the ground.

One of the guys reached for my arm, to keep me from falling but it was too late.

My head had already hit the floor and everything went black.

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