13: My mom is attracted to younger men

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"I can't believe you ate lunch with those snobs"

Cleo had come over to my house and we were eating some brownies that my mom had baked while we were working on homework.

" They are nice," I said threw a mouth full of brownie. "Especially Marlee and Bailey "

Cleo scoffed and rolled her eyes. I was kinda getting tired of her attitude but didn't say anything. I'm sure there was a story behind her hatred of the Reids.

"Bailey Henderson is just a blonde rich cheerleader who thinks she is so above everyone she won't even talk to others"

"Or," I said waving my fork around "she is naturally quiet, and everyone at this school is rich."

Cleo opened her mouth, probably about to reply something snarky, but didn't when we heard the door close.

"Hey, Dad!" I cheered, getting up and running towards my father.

"Hey Sky" he chuckled, wrapping his arms around me. "Who is this?"

I took a step back, allowing my father to go over and shake Cleo's hand. Cleo stood up, smoothing out her skirt, giving my dad a genuine smile, and introduced herself.

"Cleo Harrison, it's nice to meet you. I go to school with Skylar"

"It's lovely to meet you Cleo" my father beamed. I knew he was happy that I had made a friend, especially since I was against going to school at MBPA. If I knew my dad he was doing a mental happy dance right now.

"Will you be staying for dinner? We are having lasagna?" My mom asked, walking into the kitchen placing a kiss on dad's cheek.

I automatically started to worry. I hoped my parents weren't going to scare her away. I hope it didn't seem like they were coming on too strong and scared Cleo away. She was my first friend besides Allie, but she didn't count.

My parents knew what they were doing, right? They had friends in high school. This was probably normal when people came over anyway.

" I would love to." Cleo answered nodding her head eagerly " Let me go call my parents"

Why was I so worried? Of course, she says said yes, Cleo had a deep love of food.

I watched as she grabbed her phone and walked into the living room. I could jump for joy right now.

"Sky, it looks like MBPA might not be so bad?" My dad asked going over to the counter to make us a salad.

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. I was too stubborn and didn't want to say they were right quite yet.

"Not so bad?" My mother exclaimed "She has been there two days, and she has already met a hot guy and she has made a friend. She was at Jefferson for two years and she had acquaintances and that was it"

" Ewe... Mom" I cringed at her calling Luca hot, even though he could pass as a greek god, he was also twenty-four years younger than her.

My mom placed her hand on her hip and gave me a glare that told me to shut up.

My dad let out a growl and a scream, imitating a cougar.

" Is that all you two got from that?" she asked getting annoyed

" Got from what," Cleo asked walking back in, sitting beside me on the counter.

" My mom is attracted to younger men" I answered with a smirk.

" Skylar Paige Rowan" my mom yelled slamming the pan of lasagna on the counter, while my dad just laughed.

"Oof, Mr. Rowan you might want to watch out" Cleo laughed

" I am a year younger than her, so I have always known" he answered snuggly but let out a yelp of pain when mom slapped his head with the dressing bottle.

We continued to bicker and laugh for the next hour until Cleo had to get home. Mom and Dad adored Cleo and was ecstatic that I wasn't having a hard time at school. I told them about Marlee and Bailey and they said they couldn't wait to meet them, Cleo just sneered. We discussed the football game and Cleo was shocked that I was going over to Marlee's place. I shot her a look whenever she made a sour face.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Rowan, it was nice to meet you." Cleo waved as she walked out of the door.

"You too dear, will I see you at the game?"

Cleo made a face, cringing at the thought of football.

She had already ranted to me that she had no desire to go and support teenage boys tackle each other while wearing Spandex. Plus it was outside and she would rather be at home jamming out to Hamilton.

"I don't think so, it's not really my thing" she answered sweetly.

My mom frowned but didn't say anything. I knew what she was thinking. Mom was a cheerleader in high school and didn't understand how people didn't have school spirit. She said everyone back in her day went to every football game, even when the team sucked and could not score a touchdown to save their lives.

Needless to say, she was going to the store tomorrow so she could get her some navy and gold outfits for future football games. My parents decided they wouldn't go to the first one. However, they loved the game too much I knew they eventually would go to one.

"Well, I hope to see you again. You can come over anytime" my dad said walking over and wrapping his arms around my mom's waist.

Cleo thanked them again and walked over getting in her car.

" She was nice" dad commented after we watched Cleo drive away

I leaned my head against my dad's shoulder nodding my head in agreement.

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