14: you don't know your own address

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" So you are going over there this afternoon?"

I nodded as I shoved a handful of fries in my mouth. Cleo and I were discussing the football game, she had decided if she gets bored she might come to the game, but it was highly unlikely.


The cafeteria was full of life, everyone was pumped for tonight's football game. According to Marlee, the team we were playing, was MBPA's biggest rival. Apparently, there was some bad blood between two former players from about twenty years ago and the hatred between those players created hatred between the schools.

All of the football players were wearing their navy jerseys with khaki pants and the cheerleaders were wearing either their uniform or their boyfriend's jersey with a uniform skirt. Everyone else had to wear their school uniforms, something I didn't mind, but Cleo hated.

She had ranted almost the entire lunch about how it wasn't fair that the football players and cheerleaders could get away with not wearing it, but we couldn't. I didn't put any of my input into the conversation, and just let Cleo get it out of her system. Something I quickly learned to do.

"I will come and rescue you if I need to"

I rolled my eyes and bit my lip from saying something that would lead to another long rant.

We continued to eat our food when I jumped at the feeling of a strong arm wrapping around my shoulder. I quickly pushed the arm off as hard as my scrawny arm could and turned to see who the person was.

"Get lost Reid" Cleo sneered, pointing from him to the door with her fork.

Luca placed a hand over his heart, with a fake surprised expression, as the comment had actually hurt him.

"Aw, Come on Harrison, I'm just here to see my favorite clutz"

That remark earned him a slap in the back of the head.

"Damn Rowan, you don't want to hurt this pretty little thing" he smirked pointing to his face.

"You deserved it" I said rolling my eyes "And it's not pretty"

It's gorgeous

"You love it"

I scoffed at his words, even though it was true, but he is still annoying.

"As much as I love your presence, what are you doing here?" I asked with a sweet smile on my face, sarcasm evident in my tone.

"Marlee is finishing up a test and she asked me if you knew how to get to our place?"

I hadn't even thought about how I would find their home.

"No I don't, what is the address?" I asked taking out my phone so I could type it down.

Luca scratched the back of his neck giving me a sheepish smile.

"O my God, you don't know your own address!" Cleo asked starting a laughing fit.

Luca shot her a glare that made the laughs quite down but you could see in her eyes she was struggling to hold it back.

"I can just drive you over, it will be much easier" he shrugged

"because you don't know the address of your own home," I asked, with a smug smile.

" Do you want a ride or not?"




Luca stared at me like I was an idiot.

"Yeah so?" he asked opening the passenger door for me.

What a gentleman

"It's a Range Rover" I exclaimed

He genuinely looked confused. I rolled my eyes at his ignorance and walked over to the door.

Of course, he had a Range Rover because every teenager in the United States drove this. It is perfectly normal.

I slid into the black car placing my crutches in the back seat.

"Yeah so? What do you drive?" he asked, getting in the driver's seat pushing the button to start the car.

"I don't have a car"

Now he was the one giving me a strange look. I raised my eyebrow at him and mentally laughed at his confusion.

"How do you manage? Why won't your parents get you a car?"

"My parents drive me," I said slowly so his little brain could comprehend " and we both agreed if I get half of my college paid for they will get me a car"

My parents could not afford to get me a car and send me off to college, so we made a deal when I was thirteen if I work hard enough and can get scholarships they will get me a car. I could get a cheap one but dad would rather get one that we wouldn't have to worry about breaking down all the time. Besides, I don't mind having my chauffeur.

"So your smart, smart?" he asked, pulling out of the gates.

I just shrugged "I work hard, hard"

He let out a chuckle and shook his head. Since Luca was wearing his navy football jersey, which looked hot, I could his sleeve of tattoos on his right arm. I couldn't make out what they were without staring at them like a creep. His right large hand gripped the black steering wheel while his left arm hung out of the window.

"I suppose you do, you got the scholarship after all" he mumbled, looking both ways before turning on a newly paved road.  

I gave a nod and leaned against the window. I let out a small gasp when the first house came into view.

It's beautiful

I started in shock as we passed the beautiful multi-story homes that could practically be a palace from a Hallmark movie.

"I must warn you"

I widened my eyes getting nervous.

"Marlee can get a bit extreme when it comes to school spirit. She has grown up watching me play so she has always had a love for the game."

"I get it. Every Saturday, Dad and I each get two hamburgers and we watch college football" I chuckled at the memory

I would wear cutoff jean shorts and dad's old red football jersey that would hit mid-thigh and was too small for him since he gained weight. Mom would put a yellow ribbon in my hair because she wanted me to be a cheerleader.

" You like football," Luca asked, his eyes widening in surprise.

"I love it, the feeling when your team completes a pass or makes a sack. It's exhilarating." I sighed "but that doesn't mean I can play" I added "I can't throw a football to save my life"

"Well that happens to be what I'm great at" Luca smirked

"Yeah right, the only reason you have any muscle is from caring the five-gallon bucket of water for the real players" I smirked

"Skylar," he said turning his head to look at me


"You are a pain in the ass"

"Thank You"

I broke into laughter with him giving me a strange look before letting out a chuckle himself.

Luca and I continued to laugh and make surprisingly nice conversation.

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