11: Allergies

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"Luca, what are you doing?" I whispered.

People in the hall were watching us with dead eyes. I absolutely hated attention. It's bad enough to have a bulky boot and crutches, adding to the pressure of MBPA.

"You didn't respond" he stated flatly, his eyes darkening as his spoke.

"To what?"

I genuinely didn't know what he was talking about. I searched my brain trying to recall any questions he had asked but my mind drew a blank.

"My text messages. What else?"

I raised an eyebrow at him before clearing my throat.

"Messages? You haven't" I trailed off when I suddenly remember the unknown number that had texted me this morning.

I reached for my phone outside of the side pocket of my bag and held the on the power button for what seemed like forever.

"Why was your phone off?"

I gave him a shrug. Why did it matter to him, it wasn't his phone.

When my phone turned on, I was stunned at the amount of missed text messages I had from him.

"How did you get her number?"

I jumped at the sound of Cleo's voice, I had already forgotten that she was standing right next to me. She peered over my shoulder to see the screen of my phone.

" I have my ways" he shrugged

I scrolled through all of the texts reading them one by one. This boy did not give up.

" I'm sorry Luca, I didn't have my phone on," I told him, looking into his eyes. They had softened into a deep blue instead of a black since he had come over here.

He stayed quiet at my apology and I noticed that his eyes were searching my body, head to toe.

" Skylar, I am so sorry that you are in that ugly boot because of me," he says softly

I was shocked at his testament. Based on our conversation yesterday I thought he didn't even care but I think he actually felt remorseful.

" What about the concussion?" Cleo butted in. "Crutches?"

" That too," he says giving her a glare before returning his attention back to me.

" It's okay... Water Boy" I smirked

He let out a chuckle, running his fingers through his perfectly styled messy hair.

"Am I missing something here? Sky, you are in crutches because of him. Why are you forgiving him so easily?" Cleo argued, with concussion written all over her face.

" C, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was an accident" I answered in a calm voice, trying to soothe Cleo's anger.

" But it never would have happens if he wasn't an irresponsible idiot"

"Yes but, he didn't do it in purpose. It's ok Cleo"

" Do you need any help? With books and stuff?" He asked, scratching the back of his head, clearly not knowing how to offer help.

" I'm good, thank you though." I smiled. This was a big change from how he acted yesterday.

"No you are not" Cleo sneered, taking my books out of my bag. " She doesn't need the extra weight in her bag. You carry the books" Cleo smiled sweetly placing three thick textbooks in his hands.

"Your right Cleo" he nodded " Good thing I'm a quarterback, I've got strong arms," he says emphasizing the word quarterback.

I gave him a slight chuckle before hobbling my way over to my locker. I leaned my weight on my good right foot, putting my thumbprint on the lock pad.

I was shocked when I found out how the lockers opened. I was used the the small knob with numbers as the combination. When I heard the click I opened the door and waved a hand over my books and binders, acting like I was on The Price is Right.

"You can put those in here. Those books are for my afternoon classes"

Luca walked over and set the books down, with Cleo shooting daggers at the back of his head. It looks could kill, Luca would be ten feet under.

"Thank you, Luca"

He nodded his head with a grim look on his face.

"No problem, Skylar. I owe it to you. If you ever need any help let me know"

I gave him a soft smile but Cleo did the exact opposite. I widened my eyes when she let out a scoff. I didn't understand why she was so upset with him, she's not the one with a boot on and crutches.

"Got a problem, Harrison?" Luca snapped, narrowing his eyes.

Cleo stomped her away over to Luca and stood directly in front of him. I had to bite my lip in order not to let out a laugh. Cleo wasn't super short but Luca was tall, but since she had her mad face on standing in front of him, it was very comical.

" Yeah, I do" she sneered

They both stood there, brown eyes to blue eyes, locked in a stare trying to prove who is dominant. I tried clearing my throat to get their attention but it was useless. After a couple of minutes, I noticed Cleo's nose start to twitch. Base on Luca's growing smirk, I assumed he noticed it too.

"Allergies Harrison?"

She opened her mouth but right as she did she let out a snotty sneeze directly on Luca.

I burst out laughing at Luca's disgusted look. He had a small circular area on the side of his blazer, covered in snot. Luca may have won the staring contest but Cleo definitely came out victorious.

"Yeah Reid, I'm allergic to pigs" she replied sweetly, with the fakest smile I had ever seen. She could give Margaret a run for her money.

I let out a giggle, mentally applauding my best friend, for sticking up to Mr. Popular.

Luca's jaw clenched at her words, allowing Cleo to have a smirk of her own. He shrugged off his blazer leaving his white dress shirt to define his muscular chest and arms.


I watched as he turned his blazer over, deeply inspecting.

"That's too bad" he murmured " I'm allergic to all things citrus, Clementine"

What happened next was almost in slow motion. He wadded of his blazer, looked at it, then to Cleo, and back to the blazer before he threw snot sided on Cleo's face.

I let out a gasp when it landed. Cleo was scary still, as she picked the blazer off slowly.

"You might want to run, Luca" I warned

He glanced over at me and looked straight into my eyes. They were so freaking pretty.

"I don't run from people"

"Except on the field?" I questioned

"Except on the field" he nodded "Come find me at lunch. I have things I want to discuss with you"

He turned around and walked off to a group of girls who were practically drooling over him. I rolled my eyes, he wasn't a freaking king.

"What if I don't want too, Water Boy?" I called

The group of girls shot me a glare but I didn't care. Luca turned around with his eyes narrowed, letting me know his next words were very serious.

"I don't care what you want. I want you to come to see me at lunch. That's final"

I clenched my jaw. He had no right to tell me what to do. Since when was he my dad?

"He's such an ass" Cleo sneered throwing his blazer on the ground.

I nodded in agreement but didn't say anything.

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