Hard 🦧

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Summary: Nate struggles with OCD and Trichotillomania and has a really bad day.

Thank you hrts4chrissturniolo for the request <333


Nate's POV

Today was just a normal day of staying at the triplets house, Wake up and wash my hands then I do my bed and then wash my hands and then I take 10 steps to the living room relax for abit not anymore or else I start over again and then I take 7 steps to the table to eat breakfast and then I wash my hands then it's 10 steps back to the couch and it just continues from there, I never usually mess that up but if I do I'm not sure what I'd do. Some days I have Bad ones others are fairly good it really depends on everything. The triplets know about my OCD and are very helpful so they understand what I'm doing if I'm up late in the morning.

Ten steps to the living room I got this.. I think as I open the door to my room



No! Now I have to start again this foot needs to go straight in front of the other. I sigh walking back to the door to start my steps again.








Then the radiator turns on causing me to lose track of my steps making me slightly more frustrated, But I just walk back to the door and start again.











I plummet down on the couch sighing, finally feeling content, "Morning!" Nick shouts from the kitchen a smile plastered on his face! "Morning!" I reply smiling at the older. Do it again, Say goodmorning again. "Morning!" I shout again feeling anxiety pool in my stomach, One more time go on, it won't hurt! "Morning!" I smile again this time in reply I just get a sympathetic smile. God I hate this.

"Morning Nick, Nate!" Chris smiles walking from his room as he sits down next to me, Nick replies back 'Morning' but I just smile not wanting to say anything in hopes of avoiding everything, "Good sleep?" Chris whispers bringing his arm around my shoulders, "Mhm" I mumble leaning further against him as I feel the familiar feeling of anxiety pooling in my stomach once again, Again, Say it again. "Mhm" I sigh closing my eyes as I try block out everything, One more time won't hurt?. "Mhm" I mumble watching as my best friend furrows his eyebrows in concern but he doesn't mention anything.

Breakfast is ready now, Matt came down right before it was finished but he didn't say much just sat on the couch on his phone. "Come on! Breakfast is ready!" Nick smiles placing different plates of food at the table, 7 steps I got this.





5.. Just start over.

I walk back to the couch starting again, I feel like I'm about to cry I just want to eat I'm starving.








I sit down at the table as I look at the breakfast, The plate is filled with pancakes. That's 5 chews per bite, I start eating as I make sure to count per chew.







Thats 6. I was only supposed to do 5!
Spit it out. I've already swallowed it, oh god. I feel my breathing pick up as I pull at my hair compulsively completely abandoning my food. "Nate? Nathan, Hey what happened?" I hear Chris whisper but I'm too focused on trying to think of something anything to make it up, Start over again. "NO!" I shout out loud god I must sound insane.. "Nathan hey, What's the matter?" I hear the voice whisper again, This time more panicky, "I cant do it again I can't start over!" I cry feeling as a clump of my hair comes out causing me more distress.

"Everythings wrong! I did six not five there's something wrong!" I shout feeling as my breathing starts to uneven. "Hey, Nate there's nothing wrong okay? Let's get you sat on the floor with some water" He hushes, Gently pulling my hands from my hair. I whimper as I'm pulled down onto the floor Nick already hurrying over as Matt treats the patch of my head trying to get it to stop bleeding. I must of pulled really hard for it to start bleeding, I've failed u was doing so good! I hadn't lost hair in like 3 days now I've failed! I can hear the thoughts in my head telling me to restart but before I can stand up I'm held in place by warm hands, "It's okay love.. Just focus on my breathing nothing else." He sighs resting my hand on his heart as I try my best to copy his breathing and focus on his heartbeat.

"It's okay everythings reset you don't have to do anything more you've done more than enough" Chris whispers once my breathing evened out abit, It was like he knew exactly how my head worked,

And I trusted him.

I rest my head onto his shoulder focusing on his steady heartbeat as Nick raises the glass up to my lips in which I accept gratefully.


And for the first time in ages I felt calm the only thing I could hear being Chris's heart, And I could feel warm hands tracing up and down my back and a soft hand dancing through my hair and that was good enough for me.

I am okay.



I hope you all enjoyed this one I personally loved doing it! I hope I got this accurate as I suffer from OCD myself and sometimes when it gets really bad it's awful but I understand everyones is different so this might not sound the same to some people as it would others if that makes some sense?! Thank you so much for requesting this I loved writing it and I hope you can find some sort of comfort or anything in this (?! I'm not really sure how to word this correctly) I hope there isn't any mistakes but if there is I'm sorry and feel free to correct me! Once again, Thank you for Voting and Reading it helps a bunch and I appreciate all the kind words they really make my days so so much better :D I'm so grateful for every single one of you and I hope your weekend is amazing cos I know I'm looking forward to it :) I'm going to my nanas later today for a late christmas buffet and most of my family will be there so I'm quite nervous/excited for that (it's half 4 for me) what are you going to be doing for the weekend? I'd love to hear :) Take care everyone I care

Bye <3


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