Weaving a Song

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c. 2020 Third Age

Ilúvatar watched his creation carefully. The Song was still playing but the Valar had been left out, on purpose, of a few things. This caused them to try to maintain as much of a hands off policy as possible but it was becoming a dire situation on Middle-Earth, even with the sending of the Istari. Though his will would be accomplished no matter, there were a few that could be saved that would not be with the way things were going thus far.

Ilúvatar stroked his chin knowing what he was about to do. I will give them a child. He thought. He began singing, weaving fabrics together with his voice and affecting the seed planted within a Queen of Middle-Earth.

The Valar stood by, unable to understand the song he was weaving. It spoke of strength, love, hurt, fear, and some even thought death. Grace be with you child. Ilúvatar thought. Now for another, one to keep her steady.

He found another that could help her and he smiled before softly singing a new thread into his life. One that would only be awakened when he met the child.



Thranduil! Thranduil woke with a start. He had flown upward, reaching instinctively for his sword, before glancing around the room. His wife still lay peacefully in a trance, ignorant of both the voice and his movement. Thranduil, she will not wake. I have been sent from the Valar. She will not hear me, nor will you see me. Thranduil's eyes widened.

"What have I done to deserve such?" He asked, his voice no more than a whisper.

This is not just for you, but for all. Your wife will conceive.

Thranduil was even more shocked now. They had one child, a boy who was fully mature and the Crown Prince. They had never expected another after years of his wife never conceiving.

Your child will be gifted. She will be able to do what even Elves have trouble with. Be warned, she may not survive the coming days, but then, the fate of Middle-Earth is yet in the balance.

He had enough time to comprehend the man's words before darkness took him.

A/N: This will be book verse until the trilogy where it will be book and movie verse depending on what is best for the story. It will include some add-ins of my own and some events will be slightly AU.

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