Chapter 103

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March 16th 3019 TA

Haldir walked along the highest level he was allowed on whilst Legolas and Gimli had disappeared to join Aragorn for the final debate. Legolas had invited him, but Haldir was no commander here. He had waved Legolas away. He had nothing they could not add, and personally he needed time alone.

So he walked, leaving Pippin and Merry to each other's company, and himself to his own.

The view from Minas Tirith would have been more grand, had not darkness covered most of the world he looked at. He heard something behind him and he frowned. He had been alone, hadn't he? Then his eyes widened and he turned. "What are you doing here?"

Almiel stood there. Her eyes were lowered. "I, well, I actually only just got here a few hours ago."

"That's not what I asked." Haldir said but he moved closer to her. "But where were you before?"

"With the women and children." Almiel said finally looking at him. "Denethor sent them to safety a little ways from here. When I found out I went with them. I returned today, knowing there would be wounded."

"Aragorn healed the worst."

"Yes, I know. But even the worst still need hope." Almiel said. Then she looked down again.

Haldir was unsure what to say. Slowly he reached his hand out and lifted her chin. "What's wrong?" He asked more gently than before.

"Nothing. Well, nothing more. But I am fine, really." Almiel said before brushing past him and standing at the wall. Her posture looked defeated.

"I am not an idiot. Even if I could not feel your emotions churning, I can see it well enough in your face." He said walking up to her and facing her.

Almiel refused to look up at him. "Nothing is wrong."

Haldir remembered those words coming from the king once. He had been lying then too. "You never were good at lying about your own emotions, Almiel."

"My emotions mean nothing." Almiel said. "They are more a hindrance than anything."

"That is not true. Your emotion gives you your compassion." Haldir said quietly. "Just tell me. Why have you come?"

"I told you why I came."

"No, why have you come to me? You could have avoided it. I did not know you were in the city. If you brother had known he would have searched for you by now."

Almiel slowly turned and leaned against the wall. "I am not sure, to be truthfully honest. I knew you were here, and when you walked alone, I followed."

Haldir sighed, looking away over the wall. "You have not felt like this since your mother died. Has something happened?"

"No, no. My father is fine. And you know well enough about Legolas."

"Then what is it?"

"Perhaps I am scared for myself." Almiel slowly admitted. "But-."

"This is not just fear." Haldir said quietly. "There is something else as well."

"Yes." Almiel said. Her eyes lowered and then she spoke again. "I shouldn't have come." She said and started to leave. Haldir's eyes widened and he reached out and grabbed her arm. He blinked at all the emotion he felt before he pushed it back and focused on her. She had not turned back, merely stopped, head still bowed.

He did not let her go as he walked around her to face her. "Almiel-."

"Do not tell my brother. He will not see me until the time comes." She said quietly.

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