Chapter 4

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c. 2035 Third Age

Almiel, now three, was a very joyful child full of laughter. Legolas constantly said they should have named her Lalwendë instead. As a three year old in Elven years, she was only just getting the hang of crawling and was thereby wandering around trying to follow everyone everywhere. Her mother had to constantly stop her from interrupting important meetings in the throne room and from going into her father's study. Not to mention the time she crawled trying to follow Legolas out of the gate. Luckily, one of the guards had noticed her, though it was not hard as she was not a very fast crawler yet, and carefully carried her back to her overly worried mother who had discovered her child was missing.

Finally Oiolairë had assigned one of her servants to the child to make sure she could not go anywhere she was not supposed too. Nonetheless she still managed to make that servant want to pull her hair out. Legolas, on the other hand, found her wandering spirit somewhat hilarious and laughed every time the servant had to extract her from somewhere in the palace at which the servant herself would try hard not to glare at her Prince which only made Legolas laugh even harder.

It seemed that Almiel had grown very attached to her brother and it was he she seemed to be following the majority of the time. He would turn around at some point and find green eyes staring up at him where upon he found them deceivingly innocent. He would then laugh and sweep her into his arms and wait not five minutes before the servant would come bursting into whatever room they happened to be in. He would then kiss her on the forehead and pass her off to the servant who seemed unsure she wanted to take her back. Then Almiel would smile or laugh in the servant's arms and the servant would relax. "You are one mischievous Princess." She would say and then coo at the child who was seemingly irresistible.

On of these days, Legolas swept her into his arms and she looked at him curiously. He cradled her against his body and he felt something shift in their bond.

Brother… Legolas looked down stunned at his sister. She smiled and then pressed her head against his chest.

Yes, he had told her before cradling her closer.



Almiel just spoke to me, but... Through our bond.

(Surprise) What?

She just said 'brother' in my mind.

Are you sure?


(Swell of emotion) That's wonderful.

Legolas had gone to bed that night rather happy. However someone was not. Almiel had been placed in her cradle and left alone for the night. Her room was adjacent to her parents but, being the King and Queen, they had business that night. Almiel, indignant as always at being left behind, had decided to explore. Having a sudden burst of Elven ability, she had managed to climb out of her cradle and onto the floor. She walked somewhat steadily out the door and into the hallway. She followed her instinct before coming to another curtained doorway. She slipped into the room and stopped. Legolas had been aware that the curtain to his room had been pushed but seeing no one had assumed it was the wind or someone walking by.

He was then quite surprised when something tugged on his bed from the other direction. He glanced down and saw Almiel trying to climb up onto his bed. He laughed softly and pulled her onto his bed. She looked at him with bright green eyes and then started looking around her. What are we going to do with you? Legolas thought to himself. Finally he made up his mind and lay back down. Almiel glanced curiously at him and he patted the bed next to him. She squealed delightedly and snuggled next to him. Legolas mentally shook his head. He glanced down at her. She was already sleeping soundly. He wished he could remember being able to sleep. Elven children could as they were in need of it to grow, but after a certain stage Elves did not sleep but rather rested their minds by passing through waking dreams or by looking at beautiful things. So as he slipped into his own waking dreams, Almiel slept in her dreams and together they rested through the night.

At dawn, Legolas carried the still sleeping Almiel back to her cradle and set her down softly. She had never been missing so far as the servant knew and she was awoken by her mother. However, every night after she would climb out of the cradle and go to her brother's room. Legolas would then let her stay there until dawn when he would take her back and for awhile it was their secret. It was not until a year later after Almiel had begun to talk to everyone that their secret was found out. Oiolairë had found her bed empty one night and had panicked. Legolas was awoken by his parents' panic and he had calmed them both. Peace, she is with me. He had said to his father.

What is she doing with you?

Well… every night she sneaks out of her bed and into mine. And I never had the heart to send her back.

(Slight irritation) Pushover.

Well Ada… you would be too.

(Grudging agreement) I suppose.

Thereafter they just put the cradle in Legolas' room figuring it would be less of a climb for the young Almiel to have to make.

Maybe the servant is right. Legolas told her. Almiel looked at him curiously, her eyes wide. Legolas laughed. You are rather mischievous. Almiel only smiled.

A/N: Elves do sleep with their eyes open and can do so while running. (The Two Towers) I decided myself to make it where Elf children actually sleep like we do. There is no factual basis for that. 

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