Chapter 112

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April 3019 TA

The wailing had ceased, and Thranduil and Legolas had returned to find six broken Elves all sitting inside the tent. "How?" Tawarthion asked, voice cracking when Thranduil entered. Thranduil sighed, tracing the line of Almiel's cheek.

"I will tell you, but it is a long tale, and begins before her birth." The Elves looked at him in utter surprise. Thranduil sat on the cot, and the Elves slowly gathered kneeling or sitting around him while Legolas stood by the entrance. "It began with a prophecy..." Thranduil started and told them the entire tale, from start to its end there in that tent. He left out the fact that Haldir and Almiel had indeed fallen in love, not wanting to burden the Elves with more. One of the Guards knew, he had been in the throne room when Haldir had proposed, but he was either so shocked or so grieved or simply wise enough to not say anything.

When he finished Tawarthion, who had drawn his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them while they listened, glanced up at the king. "All this time, you knew."

"Not for sure," it was Legolas who answered. "We knew only that it may happen, and there was hope that Haldir could keep it from happening. For whatever reason, it did happen, though she told me herself that she did not think anything would stop it from happening." Taenron looked beyond shocked. His face was drawn in, his eyes red-rimmed and puffy, and he stared as if lost at the ground, eyes empty because he had come to the point that was beyond emotion.

Tawarthion seemed to accept the answer and remained quiet. Thranduil had not moved since he had finished speaking and he only now glanced at Legolas. Where is the Marchwarden?

I do not know, he disappeared before they came to give them space.

That was almost fourteen hours ago. Thranduil said. He has never left her side for that long.

Legolas' eyes widened in fear first. I will find him. He said and rushed out of the tent. Thranduil sighed inwardly, hoping Legolas would find him.

"Come," he finally said to all the Elves. "We cannot all stay in here, and there is a tent that was set up for all of you next door." The Elves nodded quite silently, all following orders because it was all they knew to do at the time. "Rest," he said once they got there, "You will feel better if you do."

This time Tawarthion looked at him. "Really? Have you?"

Thranduil cocked his head. "Actually, I did- once. I felt better afterword too. Maybe I shall do so again." He said and walked back to Almiel's tent. Tawarthion watched him in concern, but then joined the others in their tent. None of them slept much, but a passerby would have said they were as trancelike as they were. They were simply beyond sorrow, and they stared at the tent ceiling in silence, an occasional tear lining their cheeks.

Ada? Legolas asked. Thranduil looked toward where his voice was coming from.


I have found him. He is not hurt. I think.


Well I think he must have finally exhausted himself, and he has collapsed on the ground asleep. I would rather not wake him, but I am not sure I have the heart to leave him like this.

Then do not. Stay with him. I shall be fine.

He felt Legolas' agreement. He felt his son settle comfortable against a tree, wrapping his cloak around him. And Legolas? You should try to sleep as well.

I will try, no promises. Legolas answered. Thranduil laid down himself, but never truly slept. His mind was on other things, things it seemed there were no answers too.

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