Chapter 2

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c. 2020 Third Age (three months later)

"Legolas? Can you come in here?" The King asked. Legolas walked into his father's study, looking curious. He looked even more curious when he saw his mother, who usually did not join Thranduil in his study unless there was some important visitor who wished to privately visit with both the King and Queen which had been happening less and less of late.

"Yes, Ada?" The King smiled softly and then glanced at his wife. Oiolairë had not been completely sure of her pregnancy until two days ago…

Legolas had just come back from a patrol. His eyes were a little wider and skin paler.

"Legolas!" Oiolairë had cried. "What's wrong?" She grabbed his hands and then jumped back. "You have much fear…" Thranduil had glanced at her concerned. He had not felt fear coming from his son even though his bond was usually stronger with Legolas than his wife's was.

"Nana…" Legolas said weakly. His being felt weary and his usual good cheer had been taken from him.

"What happened?" Thranduil asked.

Legolas opened his mind to them and they felt his fear as he told them their patrol had barely escaped a group of Orcs who pursued him and his company until they managed to trap them in a Spider's web. One of their own had gotten seriously wounded. Their escape had been pure luck that the Spiders had come back and, at first seeing only the Orcs, killed the Orcs first which gave them time to cut themselves out and regroup to escape the Spiders.

After his tale was told, Oiolairë had gotten up and hugged him tightly. Thranduil watched amazedly as Legolas breathed once deeply while his glow increased and his eyes were once again filled with light. Oiolairë had sent Legolas had to go rest and then Thranduil had turned to her with a questioning brow.

"I felt his fear… but it was not through my bond with him. It was as if…" Her eyes had widened and she had automatically put her hands on her stomach. Thranduil's eyes widened.

"His sister already has a stronger bond with him than we do?" He had asked. It sounded impossible that his sister had already taken the burden of a bond with her brother and helped him, rather quickly, get over his fear. Oiolairë shrugged.

"Yes… yes I suppose so." She sounded confused but warmth came from her stomach where her hand rested, and where she could feel the beginning of a bond with her forming child.

"Legolas, there's something we need to tell you. You remember how I felt your fear the other day?" Legolas nodded slowly. His mother quietly moved and sat him down, kneeling across from him. "That was not me feeling your pain, it was someone else. Someone who I'm connected to," she drew in a deep breath and Legolas looked slightly concerned. "It's not anything bad, son, you're about to be an older brother."

Legolas looked stunned for a minute. He had known how many times his parents had wished for another child. Oiolairë had conceived before and lost the child within the first month. He looked at his mother. "Are you sure?" His mother nodded knowing full well why he had asked. Then his face broke into a grin. "Finally!" He said. He jumped up and held his mother. "Wait..." He said. "How did my unborn sibling feel my fear?"

"We do not know." Oiolairë said softly. "A gift, perhaps, bestowed on the child. It surely is a cause for joy." Legolas let a trace of doubt flicker across his face before he smiled and hugged his mother closer. He missed the tiny shred of doubt that had crossed Thranduil's face and caused his smile to waver. The words of the messenger left him feeling like it was a mistake to bring the child into the world.

Do not fear bringing this child to life. She will be a blessing not only to you but to your people. Her fate is hers alone to decide. Your wife was right, she is a blessed child.

Thranduil sat stunned for a second before he nodded his head. Then he smiled. "Legolas?" Legolas looked at him, a grin still on his face. "What do you think of the name Almiel?" Legolas' eyes danced.

"It's a very good name, Ada." Then he hesitated. "How do you know it is a girl?" Thranduil smiled.

"I just know." Legolas shook his head and sighed. His father never changed that much. How he knew things like this was beyond the younger Prince to understand.

"Well if you are right then I know the kingdom will rejoice at the birth of a princess."

Thranduil nodded. "Yes, a feast will be in order." Oiolairë and Legolas looked at each other and smiled, knowing quite well not only Thranduil's affinity for a good feast, but the whole of the elves of Mirkwood as well. Their people enjoyed laughter and song, and Legolas had a feeling this would be the biggest feast since either his coming of age or his own birth, possibly bigger.

For, while the people were thankful for a Crown Prince, they, like his father, had long awaited the birth of a Princess.

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