Chapter 35

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Haldir did not have to search long to find Almiel. She was in the Royal Gardens like she always was if she was upset about something. It was a trait that both children had inherited of their father. Thranduil had never been as comfortable indoors as he was out, which was ironic because now he spent more time inside. Then again, he also kept himself quite busy. Time alone for the king had become and impossible task, and he would rather be with his family if he had time to spare anyway. Either way, both Almiel and Legolas both disappeared to the same type places when upset. Legolas usually went high into the trees with a bow; Almiel usually stayed cradled in the trees roots where some small flowers also grew.

She ignored him for a while, but he had practically raised both his brothers and was therefore quite patient. It was easy enough to climb quite nonchalantly to the lower branches of the tree across from her and keep watch, both for her safety and sanity. Fortunately, she had also inherited the trait of an incredible bounce back from near death rate from her father as well and she seemed quite at ease. She still seemed more fatigued than usual, but that was only to be expected.

"You are quiet." She finally said.

"I had no need to speak."

She paused. "Were you not the one who told me to let go?"

"That was for a different situation." Haldir said gently. "Do you really think your father will just let someone who almost killed you go?"

"No," Almiel answered softly, "But I think he has been punished enough."

"Maybe," Haldir said.

"Haldir, whatever else others do to him, he has already realized what he did even if he doesn't act like it. He will tear himself apart. He does not realize why he caused it, he only knows that he did. Whatever it may have been, he still felt like he loved me."

"Perhaps next time you should force your way home sooner."

A small smile touched Almiel's face. "I do not think that will be a problem. I think my father has already decided that I am not going anywhere. Not for a while."



"What happened?"

Elladan sighed. "It was as I have said: we went to check on the Princess since she was in our care, and King Thranduil seemed to have been placed under the delusion that it was Elrohir's fault."

Elrond frowned. "By whom?"

"Haldir I suppose." Elrohir shrugged. "He pushed her away from me as I was holding her, and then he carried her away." Elrond opened his mouth to say something. He shut it again.

"I will speak to you of this later. Go now, rest. I will try to solve this puzzle." The twins both left.

They went to their rooms and sat down thoughtfully. "What if Thranduil moves against father?" Elrohir asked.

Elladan frowned. "He would not dare."

"He's not exactly known for his wisdom."

Elladan sighed. "No, but he is known for other things. He has hardly left his woods for a long time. If anything he will send a messenger. Besides, before I defended you, he was ready to kill just you and not me. He would never move against all of Imladris just for you."

Elrohir put his face in his hands. I can never go near there again. He would kill me. I saw it in his eyes.

Elladan silently agreed.

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