Chapter 94

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March 3 2014 TA

The fall had carried the acorn far downstream. He was washed up against the riverbank and Aragorn felt the pain in every muscle of his body. May the grace of the Valar protect you. His eyes blinked open, but it was little more than a dream. He heard someone ride up, but he was too tired to care anymore.

"Ai, little acorn, you cannot rest now." He blinked his eyes open to see the Princess leaning over him.

"How-?" He started to ask.

"Shh, you almost died." She said and put her hand on his brow. "But you must have the strength to make it to Helm's Deep, else you will be caught on the wrong side of the battle." Little by little, he felt strength seep into his body. Warmth filled him, and he soon felt more alive.

"Almiel, what are you doing here?"

"Keeping you from dying. Now come on." She helped him onto Brego and then mounted her own horse.

"How did you find me?"

"Twas not all that difficult. I knew where you had fallen from my brother, and I followed the river downstream."

"Your brother? Legolas knows you are here?"

"Nay, and I would prefer it if you did not tell him either."

"You are not coming with me?"

"Not into Helm's Deep. There are others who need hope. But I will ride with you part of the way."

Aragorn fell silent as they cantered across the plains. He was mostly wondering how she had gotten this far, and why she had left Lórien. Suddenly Almiel steered them in a different direction. "You hear your opposing army." Almiel said as they stopped on a hill and looked down at what were thousands of Orcs. "Do not lose hope, you may yet make it through the night." She paused. "I am not going further. Do not tell my brother of me yet. It would only trouble his mind. But you must go now." She said and turned her horse and rode away. Aragorn watched her for a second before he galloped away to Helm's Deep.


"You're late." Legolas' voice said and Aragorn stopped short as he realized the prince was blocking his way. "You look terrible."

"You might too if you fell off a cliff."

"Nay, leaves do not easily lose their gracefulness. Acorns, however, might." Legolas said crossing his arms. Aragorn simply laughed.

"I thought I became a leaf."

"Not yet, but this may help." Legolas said and glanced down at his hand. Aragorn looked as well, and when Legolas opened his hand he saw the Evenstar.

"Hannon le, but how?" Aragorn asked.

"There are some things not easily lost." Legolas said. "Now come, you must see the king."

"Your optimism amazes me sometimes." Aragorn said as he pushed the doors open. Legolas merely smiled as he followed Aragorn into the hall.

"How many?" Theoden asked him after he got over the shock of the warrior back from the dead.

"Ten thousand at least." Aragorn said. "They will be here by nightfall."

Theoden stared at him for a moment before he strode out of the room. "Let them come."

Beside him Legolas sighed. "Just like Ada." Aragorn looked at him confused. Legolas smiled slightly. "Kings sometimes refuse to leave their strongholds, even if it means their doom. Perhaps it is the belief that they have held it for so long, but whatever it is, their own fortress gives them hope."

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