Chapter 75

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A/N: Now that we are back to the books, I am going to remind you that for the most part that this will follow the books. However, since the movies were already out and all that, there will be a few times it follows more of the movies. Lotr is going to be more blended than the Hobbit so just watch out for that. This chapter follows the books. Familiar dialogue is not mine.

Oct 25 3018 TA

The Council of Elrond

Legolas walked into the Council hesitant. He had wanted to tell them of Gollum before the Council, but after he had seen Elrond, the Lord had remained busy with Frodo and Mithrandir and the feast last night. He had boycotted the feast, taking dinner with him to his room once more. He did not want to cause unnecessary tension in what should have been a peaceful night, and his room was more suited to him thinking of the future anyway.

He sat, and looked at the hobbit curiously when he arrived, knowing his sister had helped heal the man. He looked young, almost Elvish, but he could feel the darkness coming from the hobbit. The darkness of what he carried. The Council drew long, though he listened carefully when the Dwarves spoke of Moria and the dark horseman Sauron had sent to Dáin and to King Brand of Dale. He already knew of the last, Dale having good relations with Mirkwood since they became allies not that long ago.

He listened as well as Elrond spoke of the forging of all of the Rings of Power, Frodo's exclamation that Elrond could have remembered amused him. His father remembered just as far back, having fought in the same Alliance. This part of the tale he knew rather fully. He listened, somewhat disinterestedly, to Boromir as he spoke of what drew him near. Though, his blood boiled slightly when Boromir said that by their hard work, his lands were kept safe.

Then, however, Boromir said something that made his blood boil. "...By our valor the wild folk of the East are still restrained, and the terror of Morgul kept at bay; and thus alone are peace and freedom maintained in the lands behind us, bulwark of the West. But if the passages of the River should be won, what then?..."

Legolas shifted in his seat. What should have happened if they had not restrained Dol Guldur as best as they could? They had been fighting longer than Gondor had this time around. Gandalf had seen him shift, however, and threw him a warning glance not to say anything.

Then Aragorn revealed himself and his history, and Boromir looked at him with suspicion and curiosity. Thus Aragorn explained to him who he was, and at least Boromir was told he was not the only defense between the Enemy and the free people. "...If Gondor, Boromir, has been a stalwart tower, we have played another part. Many evil things there are that your strong walls and bright swords do not stay. You know little of the lands beyond your bounds. Peace and freedom, do you say? The North would have known them little but for us. Fear would have destroyed them. But when dark things come from the houseless hills, or creep from sunless woods, they fly from us. What road would any dare to tread, what safety would there be in quiet lands, or the homes of simple men at night, if the Dúnedain were asleep, or were all gone into the grave?..."

As Aragorn finished, Legolas at least felt better about the situation, but he still had a morbid desire to tell Boromir how long they had been fighting to keep the shadows back. A few of their warriors had been fighting Sauron since the past Age. Legolas kept his silence, however, and the story continued on as Bilbo began to speak.

Speaking of which, it now made much more sense that Bilbo had gone so secretly in Mirkwood. His invisibility had been his only ally. After Bilbo spoke, Gandalf began his tale. As he spoke he mentioned Dol Guldur and Saruman lulling him. Legolas shifted in his seat once more, and Elrond's gaze fell upon him. You knew Saruman was stopping us. He said to Legolas.

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