Chapter 117

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April-May 3019 TA

"I suppose you are still leaving tomorrow?" Almiel asked her father, the four brothers having gone off together for a more intimate reunion.

"Yes," Thranduil answered. "You will be home soon enough." He said, sensing her wish to return as well.

"Perhaps, but I..."

"Almiel," Thranduil interrupted, "You have seen enough. There is no need for you to return to a mourning forest. I am sure I can get Haldir to agree with me."

He's right. Haldir's voice said.

Almiel sighed. "I suppose you are right this time."

Thranduil raised an eyebrow. "Of course I am." He said. Thranduil put his hands on her shoulders. "You need mourn no longer." He said softly. Almiel stared into his eyes, realizing he was right.

"Fine I will stay. I suppose Legolas needs someone to keep him in line."

Thranduil smiled. "Yes he does. That is why I am trusting Haldir." Almiel pouted while Haldir laughed in the background. "You are hardly better than your brother if not worse." Thranduil reminded her.

"Did I really want to return home with you?" Almiel asked. "Because now I wonder why I ever wanted to."

Thranduil laughed. "You are my child, your endless recklessness is probably my fault."

Almiel grunted non-commitedly. "I suppose." She answered.


Tawarthion did manage to find food for all of them one way or another, and Thranduil left when he had said he would. Legolas now spent most of his time with the Fellowship, while Almiel and Haldir were adjusting to the new bond between them.

It was not long before the end of the month came, and with it the entire company returned to Minas Tirith. Our little acorn now has a crown. Almiel commented to her brother as they watched the coronation.

Yes, he has become his own leaf.

Are you going to tell him that?

Maybe, Legolas answered. I don't want him getting a big head about it though.

A new month began and with the eighth day came the parting of those from Rohan and the sons of Elrond. Rúmil and Orophin left as well, as they each had an ellith to return for. Almiel remembered what her father said, that the Twins left to retrieve their own father. Those from the Companions of the Ring dwelt together in a fair house with Gandalf as they rested. Aragorn was waiting for his own sign, and of those in the Fellowship only Legolas suspected and Gandalf knew.

It was during this time one night that Gimli found the young Prince on a high balcony, near where his sister and her husband were staying. "What troubles ye, laddie?" Gimli asked, finding Legolas contemplative as he stared out.

"I think by now you would have learned that it is I who should be calling you laddie and not the other way around." Legolas answered. "You are a child."

Gimli snorted. "No one but you would call me that, and the way you look makes you still look like a laddie. Now tell me what's wrong."

"Stiff necked Dwarf." Legolas muttered.

"Frolicking Elf." Gimli retorted. Legolas sighed.

"The Sea still burns in my heart, even with my sister near again and all that has happened so joyous. I have made a promise that will keep me here, but even so, my heart is divided. The Lady was right."

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