Chapter 10

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c. 2060

Elrond awaited Legolas in his study later that night. He heard a soft knock on the door. "Enter," he said. Legolas came in the door, shutting it carefully behind him.

"Forgive me, I had to wait until my sister was asleep."

"It's fine," he motioned to a seat by a fireplace as he sat down in a chair next to it. "You obviously came here for a reason. What was it?" Legolas handed him the scroll his father had entrusted him with.

"This is from my father. A patrol was sent further away in Mirkwood, somewhere we hardly go. Haldir was with the group from Lórien doing the same thing. They felt something there. It's explained in the letter. So when my father decided Imladris needed to be involved, he also wanted someone to come from Lórien just in case. He sent my sister for another reason that I'll explain after the letter is read." Elrond frowned and then nodded. He began to read the letter and his hand came up to his chin. His face got paler as he read.

"So it happens…" he said when he finished reading. He glanced at Legolas' confused face. "It was only a matter of time though it is still unsure who this is. Though if the Witch-King returned... We had to assume he would as well, but nothing is certain." He then put the paper down and sat back. "You said you would explain?" Legolas shifted and then settled back in his chair.

"First, my father wanted to make sure word gets to Mithrandir about this." Elrond nodded.

"Of course, I shall send Glorfindel later." Legolas nodded.

"Good," he hesitated again. "I said I would tell you of my sister. I will- but understand, even my father is not sure about her or her fate. He had a vision before they even knew my mother was expecting. In it, the words of a messenger of the Valar spoke to him. He asked what he had done to deserve such- even he isn't that greedy. The messenger said it wasn't just for him, but for all. He said that my mother would conceive. You know why that has been a touchy subject for them over the years… Anyway, the messenger said that she would have a gift to be able to do something even Elves have trouble with. But, as if to counteract any joy, he said that she may not survive the coming days, that it was uncertain that anyone would. Since then we discovered my sister's gift. She is able to feel other people's fear and pain, but that's not all. She also knows how to counteract it. She can touch you and… all fear, all pain will dissolve for the time being. Sometimes forever so far. She also can know exactly what to say to help you. And only very recently… she can also feel the fear and pain of creatures besides Elves, besides Men, maybe even besides Dwarves, she has felt the pain of the Spiders and almost successfully counteracted it. And we fear she will be able to feel anything, even if it was the Dark Lord."

Elrond sat shocked for a minute. He had been expecting something similar, but nonetheless, it was a scary prospect. "She felt the twins' pain tonight."

Legolas nodded. "She doesn't have to touch you to feel it, though it seems touching her is what imparts her gift to you. The Spider was a very long way away when she felt it." He paused. "Anyway it was right after that when we got the message from the patrol." Elrond sat there, his forehead creased for a long time.

"Call Haldir. I wish to speak with him." Legolas nodded and left the room to get Haldir. Elrond sat there deep in thought.

What does the Valar wish to accomplish? Are they so willing to sacrifice such innocent lives? What's going on? Legolas and Haldir reentered the room. "Yes, My Lord?" Haldir said inclining his head. Elrond motioned for them both to sit again.

"You were with the patrol. What did you experience?" Haldir sighed slightly and took a second to gather his thoughts.

"It was… very discomforting. When we got close we noticed it was darker than it should have been. That's when we met up with the patrol sent from the Elvenking. Their patrol had noticed the same thing ours had so we went out together. We got closer and noticed that the darkness was deepening. The closer we got, the heavier the feeling in our hearts. I'm not sure how, but something must have spotted us. We started to fight, but a large group of Orcs came charging at us, as well as another feeling of extreme evil. I… I've never fought anything like that before. It made me weary to just breathe. We could not fight like we are able too. We ran, one of the best of Mirkwood seriously injured. After several days we came to Thranduil's palace." Elrond's face was grave.

"Thank you both for bringing this news. I will inform the White Council but Mithrandir should be here soon. He told us he would return at some point. Is there anything else?" Haldir glanced at Legolas.

Have you mentioned anything about your sister? Legolas hesitated. Haldir was yet unaware of the situation.

Yes, but what of? She is just a Princess.

Ha, you cannot fool me, Prince.

"If I may… I am not sure what has happened. But since we are in private… when I first saw the Princess I was not… affected. However, as soon as I touched her hand… her emotions flooded into mine. After that, I never touched her and it abated. There were, however, a couple different times when I either felt a very strong emotion from her or she felt mine. And it wasn't just fear on the part of either of us, for I know that she can feel others."

"How?" Legolas asked now thoroughly confused. "How did you know that?" Haldir looked at Elrond hesitantly.

"When the twins were… antagonizing her, her emotions were practically rolling off of her. However that time I felt her thoughts as well. She basically told me herself." Elrond's eyes widened slightly.

"Can you feel her thoughts at all times?"

"No, it was only then. So far I cannot even feel her emotions unless she is touching me. It seems its only when she's more extremely emotional." Legolas looked like he was in shock. His face had gone slightly paler and his eyes much wider.

"How is this possible? Even her own family has a harder time trying to figure out the bond between us." Elrond frowned.

"I know not the answer to either situation. Only the Valar or Eru himself could possibly know. All I would say is that it must be for a reason, so I would not try to harm whatever bond you have. You must simply use your own wisdom for this, for I have no experience in these matters; only that the Valar have reasons for everything they do. Wait for their guidance. In the meantime," he said glancing out his balcony, "I believe you both need rest. I shall think on these matters."

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