Chapter 37

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Once Thranduil returned home, things again became normal. The family enjoyed their reunited time together immensely. None of them had been too happy the past thirty years apart and it was with joy that they were able to spend time physically together. Even if they all still had their own duties.

Haldir and his brothers stayed in Mirkwood their allotted two and a half months given by their Lord and Lady. It was a strange time of reminiscence for Thranduil and Legolas. The last time all three brothers had been in Mirkwood they had stayed for almost twenty-five years and Rúmil had been an infant and young child at the time. That was the time during which all three brothers and Legolas had become as close or closer than blood brothers and Thranduil and Oiolairë had been like parents to the younger two.

In either case, those months were a brighter time in the midst of growing darkness in Mirkwood before they had to return to Lórien. After that time, the darkness of the forest again weighed on the entire Royal family with much more weight than it had before. This time, however, Almiel refused to be restrained and with grudging acknowledgment that she could do things others simply could not, Thranduil generally let her on most occasions. Legolas would go with her and together they would work hard to find sources of darkness in the forest.

If Thranduil had been allowed out of the general area around the Palace, he probably would have gone with them, but as it was Taenron was frustrated enough with Thranduil allowing his children out of the Palace and refused to let Thranduil do so as well. Then again, Thranduil knew several less conspicuous ways out of the Palace that if he had really wanted to leave he could have. In fact, he did several times, but he always made sure he left one of his children at least in the Palace to cover for him. Just in case.

As time drew on, Thranduil noticed that communication with the trees in general and that communication between his family and the trees was slowly declining. The trees near the Palace could still speak with the Elves, but others were becoming mute. Such it was, that he again allowed Legolas and Almiel out of the Palace to go and try to reach some of the trees…

Almiel swung down from Condu and looked around suspiciously. Something was worse here. Legolas?

I feel it too, it's not just you. The trees are acting oddly.

That's what I thought.

Legolas mirrored his sister and swung off his horse as well. He went up to a tree and started singing softly, connecting with the tree's spirit. What is it, oh Prince?

You do not feel like normal, is something wrong?

What could be wrong? My world is normal and all is well. Are you sure you just are not out of touch, young Elf?

Legolas withdrew his hand partly shocked. He looked at Almiel who was frowning. She moved to touch the tree as well, but before she had even got the chance she withdrew her hand sharply. Legolas raised an eyebrow at her. She looked at him with widened eyes. The trees have been touched by shadow. They have the same feel that mother did before she died.

We are further from our home than usual. Perhaps it is a shadow of the Second Age.

Nay, it is new. Otherwise I would have felt it before.

Are you sure? Your powers are again expanding.

You felt this too though. It is not just me. If it were, than I might be able to counteract it, but not now.

Hmmm…. What then should be done?

Elvish power is the only thing that could stop this, if even that can. More of us must immerse ourselves such as you and I do, and even then (pause) I do not know that that would help.

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