Chapter 55

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c. 2941 TA

That night, Lord Bundraeg and Hirveren showed up at the feast in what might have been the most flamboyant clothing the Silvan elves of the Greenwood had ever seen. Most had seen the king wear fine robes, but nothing like these robes that seemed to sparkle when they moved and had large gems sown into them. Hirveren wanted to turn tail and run as soon as he saw the other elves, but Bundraeg grabbed his arm.

"The king is not here yet." He said.

But then the gates opened and Thranduil emerged. Bundraeg's mouth dropped open. Thranduil was wearing a long deep emerald robe that had a single green jewel at its collar and his usual autumn crown of leaves. It was a simple thing to wear, Bundraeg thought. Especially for a king. Then came Legolas who wore something quite similar, except he only had a dark green tunic and brown leggings. No jewel adorned his attire, and he wore no circlet. Almiel came last and Bundraeg gaped.

Apparently these woodland kind had no care for proper feasting, because even their princess wore a simple flowing emerald dress, not that it did not suite her eyes because the dress was exactly the same color, but beyond a simple white gem at her belt there was nothing special about it. Her own hair had white flowers braided into it, but save for Thranduil's crown they might have been mistaken for their own people.

Thranduil grabbed his own goblet and toasted the crowd and they began. Elves were laughing, dancing, and singing to rather joyous tunes. Bundraeg had, not quite by accident, found himself seated next to Thranduil while his son was in between Legolas and Almiel. To Hirveren's credit, he looked quite shameful of the way his father was behaving. Taking pity on Hirveren, Legolas and Almiel soon made him feel more at home.

"I told him not to wear these things." Hirveren said.

"Nonsense," Legolas said, "Our people have never seen such a thing at a dance and they are quite entertained by it."


"Well, perhaps if they have been to a feast elsewhere. I do think we are a lot less formal than our kin." Almiel said.

"Mmm, we have been to feasts in Lórien and Imladris both." Legolas said. "And we were the ones who felt left out."

"You did? Because I saw you, my Lady, at one of our feasts and you looked like you fit in well."

"Ah, yes, that one time I did match everyone else." Almiel said nodding while taking a sip from her goblet. Then she smiled wryly. "I must admit that was not of my own doing, Lady Arwen slipped me one of her dresses for the evening."

"Well it fit you just as well."

"Perhaps, but I prefer the more simplistic dress." Almiel said glancing down. "Tis more comfortable."

"I know," Hirveren said shifting awkwardly.

"Here, take off that outer robe, and… er… this." Legolas said pointing out a piece of material that he was not sure where it belonged. "And you will fit in nicely."

Hirveren glanced down. "My father will not like that."

"He is engaged in conversation with our father." Legolas replied. "Go ahead, I will make an excuse. Perhaps you should go dance with someone and I will say you became too flustered."

"Nay, I will live. Besides," Hirveren said glancing at the elves dancing. "I do not think I know your dances."

"Ah, they are easy." Legolas said. "Come, Almiel, we shall show him how to dance." Legolas practically dragged Hirveren out of his seat, and also out of most of his clothes, which left the nobleman's son with black leggings, silvery boots, and a silver tunic. "The tunic is still a little flashy but you'll do." Legolas said grinning. "Now pay attention."

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