Chapter 99

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March 6 3019 TA

After the Nazgȗl's appearance, Gandalf told everyone to travel as soon as they could, and he himself took off with Pippin toward Minas Tirith. As they rode swiftly through the night, Gimli found himself listening to yet another argument, this one in Elvish, between Legolas, who rode in front of him, and Almiel, who now had her own horse back. Gríma was now riding his own horse that he had taken from Edoras which had been found in the wilderness on their way there. Gimli stared between the three elves, for Haldir also seemed to be part of the argument, wondering what they could be arguing about.

It so happened that the earlier appearance of the Nazgȗl had only rekindled Legolas' previously diminishing anger. Legolas had had the audacity, and perhaps foolishness in that moment, to tell Almiel she had to return to Lórien, upon which he said Haldir could escort her back. Almiel had been quite furious at that, which had only increased their bickering.

"You must go somewhere safe!" Legolas said.

"Lórien is not as safe as you would like it to be." Almiel shot back. "They are about to be attacked as well. You think Sauron would leave Galadriel idle?"

"Then Imladris. Elrond will keep you safe."

"Because that worked so well before." Almiel muttered. "I am not going to any safe haven. You are not my father!"

"Haldir, tell her!" Legolas said frustrated.

"She doesn't listen to me anymore than you." Haldir said quietly.

"Then you should!" Legolas hissed at Almiel. "After all-."

"Not yet." Almiel muttered. "And besides all that, I would not be safe anywhere at the moment."

"I am sure you could go somewhere." Legolas said, crossing his arms.

"Yes." Almiel said nodding. "Valinor."

Legolas' head snapped in her direction. "That's not funny." He said, glaring at her.

"Ai, Legolas." Almiel sighed. "It was not supposed to be. Valinor is the only safe haven left. If you truly wish for me to be unharmed I would have to Sail. I am sure father would like that just as well as he likes this."

"I am sure. But its not a bad option..." Legolas said trailing off.

"I am not leaving Ennor!" Almiel asserted before he could continue.

"It was only a suggestion."

"A foolish one." Almiel said.

"Perhaps, perhaps not." Legolas slowly conceded.

"You don't want me to die, but you wish to never see me again. Wonderful." Almiel said looking away.


"Don't make excuses." Almiel bit. "Either way, I won't be listening. I must leave again soon."

"What?" Legolas said, almost jumping off Arod.

"You heard me." Almiel said. "I have other things to do."

"You just got here." Legolas said.

"And now I must go elsewhere."

"I thought you would stay with us?" Legolas said, sounding concerned.

"Your thought was wrong." Almiel said dryly. Beside her Haldir spoke once more.

"I will come with you." He said.

"No." Almiel said.

"Valar, what do you want me to do? Let you ride off without aide and die?"

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