Chapter 5

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c. 2035-2060 TA

Almiel grew up mostly like any other Elf. She learned to walk and talk. She was, however, the Aranel of Mirkwood so she had a little extra than the average elleth to do. It amazed those around her how quickly she had caught on to everything, but also how aware she seemed to be. During those first three years they had called it mere curiosity. Now, however, she seemed to be where people needed her most. It was her father who finally caught on to what she had done.

When she was only fifteen, barely more than a five year old in human years, she had found her way into the healing ward. The healing ward was mainly only for those injured in battle, as they were Elves, and it happened more than most of them cared for it to. She had gone right to a man with a mortal injury where an Orc had hit him with an axe. She had pressed her hand against his forehead and whispered something in his ear before a healer saw her and took her back to the Palace. The next day the man was completely healed. The healer had immediately gone to the Palace and informed the King of what had happened.

This stunned Almiel's whole family, but Thranduil especially watched her closely after that. He was the first to realize how the temperature of a room would drop after she left, and that her leaving was the only thing that remained the same in all of those situations. He also saw how Legolas looked so alive after having her in close proximity throughout the whole night. Then he remembered how Oiolairë had felt Legolas' pain through her bond with Almiel. She will be able to do what even Elves have trouble with. She can empathize better than anyone. She can feel their fear, their pain. He had thought. The fact of the matter was it scared him. He did not want his daughter to be forced to do something if it only came because she felt immensely guilty not doing it. He would later realize how real this fear actually was.

Ada? Almiel questioned him. She was still his daughter though. Why are you sad? She felt his pain even at that.

Tis nothing child. I will be fine. He stroked her hair gently and then turned to leave. However his daughter caught his hand. He felt warmth filling his arm as he did.

Do not worry for me. Was all she said. She then turned and ran out of the room. It occurred to him then that even being able to feel their pain was not her true gift. Her true gift was taking the fear and pain away and replacing it with warmth and light. Replacing it in such a way as to even save someone's life. Someone like the mortally injured man who only needed to forget his pain for a minute to be able to heal.

Around this same time, the servant noticed that the child began to sneak out of the castle much more often. Again, it was Legolas who caught her. Having very obviously become the source of her idolization, she followed him around the Palace like a shadow. Always indignant at being left behind, she tried very consistently to try to follow him out of the gate. One day she actually managed it.

Legolas was in the training arena practicing with his bow for which he was soon being recognized as one of the best when he heard a rustle behind him. He turned and found a very innocent yet guilty face behind him. He crossed his arms.

"Now what would mother say if she knew you were here?" Almiel had given him the puppy dog eyes he had never been able to resist. "Fine you can stay." Nana? Almiel is with me. He felt a sigh come across his link with his mother. Do not worry. I will keep her safe. The child grinned and leaped beside him.

"Show me!" She demanded. He smiled.

"Yes my Princess." She squealed in delight as he managed to stick every arrow to the center of the target. The Captain of the Guard had heard and wandered over to see the Princess laughing as Legolas entertained her.

"Are you not supposed to be training?" He asked the Prince. Legolas grinned at him.

"Yes, but my Princess demanded I provide her with entertainment with my bow." The Captain grinned at the young Princess who had blushed.

"Well then, I will not keep you from your duty any longer." He said and bowed to the Princess. Legolas raised an eyebrow at his sister.

"You, my sister, are getting me in trouble." Almiel shrugged and pointed again at the target.

"Show me again!" She squealed.

Legolas sighed. "As you wish," he said, turning back toward the target.

It was around this time that people stopped asking where she was. If she was not trailing Legolas, she was trailing her parents. If she was not with either of them than all it required was a trip to the healing ward to see her speaking with one of the injured Elves. Any other time she was easily found by asking the trees who delighted in her presence which usually meant she turned up in one of the Palace's gardens. Unfortunately this would prove potentially problematic in the near future.

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