Chapter 95

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Aragorn knew what had bothered Legolas, he saw the dark look in his eye at watching children fight. Aragorn was not in favor of the children fighting either, but Theoden was doing his best. His best was just not all that great. He sighed as he watched a child try to sharpen a sword. "Give me your sword."

The poor lad looked scared to even be addressed by him. He walked over slowly, hesitating as he gave Aragorn his sword. "What is your name?"

"Halice, son of Hama my lord." He paused. "The men say we will not give out the night, they say that it is hopeless."

Aragorn stood, testing the balance of the sword. The sword seemed fine and in proper working order. In the hands of someone experienced it might do a lot of damage to a few Uruks. "This is a good sword, Halice son of Hama." He put his hand on the child's shoulder to make him look at him. "There is always hope."


Aragorn found himself donning his armour when Legolas reappeared. "Goheno nin." Legolas said. "I was wrong to despair."

Aragorn sighed. "Perhaps, but I see it too. You are not concerned about much else besides the children."

Legolas hesitated. "Partly," he answered, "I have other concerns, but they do not have anything to do with this battle. Therefore I am ashamed to have acted in such a way."

"There is nothing to forgive, Legolas, and nothing to be shameful of. Tis what happens when leaves stray too far." Aragorn said with a slight smirk.

"I suppose acorns do not stray far. They just fall to the ground... unless a squirrel picks them up." Legolas said.

They both heard a grumble and then an 'oof' whereupon Gimli entered the room. "By the time I get this adjusted..." Legolas raised an eyebrow as the mail fell past Gimli's knees. "It's a bit tight across the chest."

Legolas pressed his lips together and then nodded. Then they looked up at the sound of a horn. Legolas frowned. "That is no Orc horn." He said and took off. Aragorn felt a small bit of hope and ran after him. They almost had several collisions in their haste but neither would be to much set from their course. They arrived in time to see Haldir finishing his explanation to Theoden. It was a mixture of emotions for Legolas, the chief of which being concerned as to where Haldir left his sister.

Once greetings were done Legolas chased after Haldir. "What did she say when you left her behind?" Haldir slowed in his walk and glanced at him warily. "Well?"


"Haldir!" Aragorn called. Haldir started to turn but Legolas caught him by the shoulder.

"Haldir, where is she?"

Haldir opened his mouth but before he could answer Aragorn caught up. "Lady Galadriel certainly knows when to work her magic." Aragorn said smiling. "I have never been happier to see such warriors. Come I will show you where your troops will be." Haldir somewhat hesitantly followed Aragorn, with a glance at Legolas.

"Laddie?" Gimli asked.

"Come," Legolas said and went after the Elves. He found Aragorn talking to Haldir on the ramparts pointing out different places for the Elves to fight. "Are you to interpret orders up here?" Legolas asked Aragorn.

"Yes, none of the Rohirrum know Sindar, and little of the Elves know Westron. Now this is where-."

Haldir's eyes turned nervously to Legolas who was glaring at him but he said nothing and looked back at Aragorn. Gimli frowned at the exchange between them. "Estel, perchance would you allow me a moment with the Captain?" Legolas asked.

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