Chapter 21

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"Keep close to her," Thranduil told Haldir. "I do not want her trying to kill herself again." Haldir nodded once. Thranduil watched as a servant passed by, carrying something in its arms as it moved to do its job. "If she starts to try to heal everyone, and you cannot sustain her for the time being, take her away."

Haldir nodded again. Thranduil sighed. Haldir's eyes turned sadly away, not wishing to see the depth of pain in the Elvenking's eyes. Yes, his daughter had survived, but Thranduil was now separated, perhaps permanently, from his bond mate. Most elves did not survive the separation, and quickly joined their lovers in either Manwe's halls or Valinor, but Thranduil had never had any plans to leave Ennor (1), he had always been stubborn about that.

The imminent illness of his daughter had distracted him enough until now, but now that Almiel was out of danger for the time being, he was barely holding himself together. Legolas and Almiel had both sunken into slight depression, and at first Haldir had wondered if the royal family would survive. However, between holding onto each other and tightening their bonds with each other, the family seemed to be pulling through. Thranduil on his own had a kingdom, though the Council had been running the kingdom during this time, and the responsibility he felt along with his children seemed to also keep him from fading.

Almiel was another story. Yes, with her family she had managed to stay alive. Now, however, she had secluded herself. No longer was the servant having to chase a giggling child through the halls. No, now the hard part of the job was finding the depressed elleth who seemed to run from everyone, even Haldir. She had recently made a reappearance, knowing the funeral was that day, but still she spoke to no one.

Haldir finally sighed. "I will find her." He said and turned to leave. Thranduil watched him go with sad eyes. This would be a long day.

"Almiel?" Haldir called softly. He found her in her room, curled on her bed with seemingly no intent of moving.

"I'm not moving!" The child confirmed.

Haldir moved over to the bed, sitting on the edge. "Surely you will not stay here forever?" He asked. "The world would miss you very much indeed." He added.

"No," Almiel said. Haldir sighed.

"The entire kingdom is grieving, Princess." He said softly. "There is comfort in each other if you would seek it out."

"I cannot," she said, her voice revealing she was bordering on tears.

"I suppose no one will force you." Haldir said. "But your presence would be missed." He paused. "Everyone has a different way of grieving, but to grieve alone will only increase your chances of fading. It is why your father and brother remain together, and why they have both gone back to their duties."

Almiel looked up at him. "You think I do not know that!" She said. "I can feel it! Feel them all! They are all in pain! And it is my fault! I should have never been born!" Haldir was extremely surprised at the sudden vehemence from the young child. He moved to place his hand on her cheek but she swatted it away and turned so that her back was to him. "I did not ask for your comfort either!"

"Tis a poor way of thanking him for saving your life." Came Legolas' voice. He walked into the room, though Haldir watched him cautiously. "Naneth would never have wanted you to do this to yourself. Why do you think we chose to save you? If anyone should be blamed it should be one of us, Ada or myself. And yes… everyone is in pain, and they are fearful, but they should be. Should we deny the pain of losing such a life? Nay, to not grieve is to become callous and eventually we forget why we celebrate life. To forget, we become no better than the enemy." Legolas said. "Would you rather that be the case? Or would you have us celebrate what time we did have? And, in either case, if you had never been born, all of us would have died at the mercy of the Nazgul."

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