Chapter 13

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c. 2063 

They stayed among the trees of Lothlórien for almost three years until word reached them that Gandalf had sent the Necromancer away from the strong hold of Dol Gulder, and that Thranduil had sent for his children. They then had one last dinner with the Lord and Lady.

Galadriel smiled at the Prince and Princess as they were about to part. "Good luck and swift feet on your journey." She said, "Namarie." Arwen waited next to her mother.

"We have gifts for you before you leave. For you Prince, an symbol of your house." Arwen handed him a delicate necklace on which was a silver leaf, edged in green with intricate detail. A smile touched his lips as he inspected it.

"Thank you, milady." He said touching his forehead.

"For you, Princess, my granddaughter chose your gift." Galadriel smiled at Arwen who led a horse into the clearing.

"He was bred from my own stallion. He will serve you well." He was completely white with a black mane and tail.

"Thank you," Almiel said wonderingly and stroked the horse who took and instant liking to her.

"His name is Condu."

So you're a lord among horses… Almiel said to Condu. He sniffed at her and blew on her nose. She smiled. Legolas smiled watching her.

"Thank you, maladies again. We shall leave now." Almiel hopped onto Condu and Legolas swung onto his own horse. As they passed Haldir he spoke to them one at a time. Good luck on your journey Legolas. We will see each other soon. Almiel, I hope you remain well. You will be a beautiful Princess.

Thank you Haldir, Almiel said back. Over the couple of years they had all been in Lórien the relationship between Haldir and Almiel had grown so they were almost as inseparable as Almiel was with Legolas. Haldir watched as they were rode away back to Mirkwood. Why do I feel like I will be riding that way soon? He thought.

He reassured himself with the fact that it was probably only because he would soon wish to visit the two he had become family too. He was a brother to both of them, and his bond with Almiel was especially deep. They had discovered that in particular six months ago.

Almiel skipped happily along the forest path, followed closely by Legolas and Haldir. Though Haldir had his own duties as a Marchwarden, in his spare time he stayed with them. Almiel hummed to herself and would put her hand up against every tree she skipped past. Haldir smiled watching her. "I told you she was more of an Elf than you were." Legolas smiled as well, but he appeared thoughtful.

"I think it was Elves such as her that began waking the trees. Innocent Elves that only wanted to speak to all living things."

"If only more were like that." Haldir said. Legolas nodded in agreement.

They continued following the child through the forest until the sun began sinking. Haldir looked at their surroundings and frowned slightly. "We should go." He said. "This is not the place to stay after the sun goes down, even with the Lady's protection." Legolas nodded.

"Almiel!" He called. She turned and looked at him. He motioned to her and she began skipping back. Then she suddenly stopped. Her head turned to the left and the rest of her body soon followed. Haldir frowned and examined the surroundings again. Legolas… he said. Something is off.

What is it, do you think?

I'm not sure… we should leave now.

All well and good, but my sister is entranced but whatever is off. Legolas motioned to his sister who was now slowly walking step by step into the forest. She did seem rather entranced. Haldir, feeling panic rise in his heart though he knew not why, suddenly lunged forward and grabbed Almiel before she could advance any further. Seconds later he found out why, and he rolled still holding Almiel to avoid the sudden leap of the beast that came at them. Legolas had his bow in hand by now, but he did not shoot for a moment as the animal was in front of both his friend and sister.

Haldir raised his eyes to look at the beast, while simultaneously holding Almiel down from chasing after it. Looking, he saw that it was a half mad panther with froth dripping down both sides of its face. Wait, Almiel said, I think I can help it.

Haldir thought about it for a second, which was as long as he had. He felt complete confidence coming from the young child, but there was something mad standing before him. He was about to say no, but then he felt it. He could feel the part of Almiel that gave off the light and warmth. It was like a pulsing golden ball of energy that was constantly sending off radiation of peace. Okay, but you better do this right. Otherwise your brother might kill me.

He'll deal with it. Was her answer.

Legolas had slightly lowered his bow, wondering what was going on. He then heard a young voice, singing. The panther lowered its head and stopped growling. It made a couple attempts to do such again, but then it stopped altogether. It lowered its head completely and laid down, seeming rather weary. Legolas opened his mouth surprised as he saw Haldir holding onto Almiel as she sung. However, he slowly released her as she reached her hand toward the panther. Haldir raised his eyes to Legolas whose mouth still hung slightly open.

What are you…? Legolas asked.

She has it under her control.

How do you know that?

… I can… feel it. Legolas remained surprised but he took Haldir's word for it. Almiel's hand came in contact with the panther's head. The panther began purring rather loudly and then licked Almiel's hand affectionately. See?

Your bond with her is sadly deeper than mine. Legolas said.

Don't ask me why… it just kind of happened. No need to get jealous. I will never be you. Haldir said. Legolas sighed.

I just wonder when we'll know who exactly the Princess is. Haldir examined the young Princess who was now petting the panther as if it were a fawn.

I think that is the best picture of who she'll be, she has tamed the beast. Legolas looked and, indeed, it was true.

Haldir smiled as he remembered that scene. That panther had taken quite a liking to the Princess ever after and he could see it even now watching the retreating forms of the royal siblings. Almiel had had to explain to the panther that they had to leave, which was quite an experience in itself, the day before. It seemed it had not wanted to leave her either. Haldir slipped off to where it was and he pressed his hand to the panther's forehead.

"Why do you not follow her?" he sang to the beast. It looked at him, head cocked and ears flickering as if it had not thought of that. "Go," Haldir told it. The panther seemed to think about it for a second before it leaped off toward the Prince and Princess. Haldir stood and watched it disappear, though he noticed Galadriel appeared at his side.

"You are wise for doing such a thing." She said. Haldir had explained to her what had happened quite a while ago.

"Thank you, milady." He said softly, still staring after them not able to shake the feeling that he would be following them sooner than he thought.

How right he was.



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