8. Bowling

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Warning: This Chapter has themes of assault and injuries.

Charlie's POV

That night, I sat in my bedroom, staring at the potted plant that stood on my nightstand.

I studied it's leaves, how each of them resembled the shape of a heart. I still don't understand this assignment.

Ella texted me Stan's number, suggesting that I should send him a message.

I'm not good with texting. I know it's only typing in letters to form words, but what would I even type?

I nervously bit down on the fingernail of my index finger, contemplating what to type.

Hey? I typed down, deleting it five seconds later.

Hi Stan! It's me, Charlie! From Ella's birthday! I shook my head and deleted what I had written.

Hi. I texted and sent, still biting on my nails.

Three dots appeared before he replied.

Hey, Charlie. He responded.

How did he know it was me? Oh, right, Ella must've also given him my number.

How are you?

Bored :( He was quick to respond.
How about you?

I sighed before typing my response.

My stomach twisted with nerves. Three dots appeared on the screen as I bit down on my other index fingernail.

Want to hang out?

My heart nearly flatlined.

He wants to hang out? God, why am I being so weird about this.

Did I scare you off??

I snapped myself out of my own head and texted him back.

Sure, let's hang out.

My heart raced.

Sweet. Text me ur address.

I texted him my address and quickly rushed over to my closet to pick out something semi-decent to wear.

After getting dressed into a pair of cargo pants and a sweater, I rushed downstairs to go wait outside for Stan when my mother stopped me.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Clayton and Ella wanted to go see a movie." I said the first excuse that came to mind.

"It's getting late, Charlie. It's a school night."

"Just let him go, Harper." Dad said from the living room.

My mother's eyes tightened. "Fine, but try to be home before ten."

"Okay." I quickly walked outside and waited down on the driveway for Stan to arrive.

Stan arrived shortly after, winding his window down before speaking in his British accent. "Uber for Charlie?"

I laughed, walking around the other side of the car to get into the passenger's seat.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"Hey." He said, driving the car down the street.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"I was thinking we could go bowling?"

"Really?" I couldn't help my excitement. I've ever gone bowling before.

"Yeah, have you ever been?" He brushed a loose strand of his dark blonde hair out of his face.

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