BONUS: He's Giving Me a Striptease

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Edited version...

Warning: This Chapter Involves Smut. (Sexual Content and Graphic Sexual Imagery)

A few months after New Years...

Charlie's POV

The party was wild.

I always considered myself to be somewhat of a wallflower. I don't really like to party, I never have.

The only reason I came here was to hang out with my good-looking boyfriend, who was currently showing off by doing a keg stand. His t-shirt surrendered to gravity, putting his ripped body on show for everyone who had eyes. Which was everyone at the party.

Everyone gawked at him, me included.

But just because I don't like to party, that didn't mean that I wasn't currently on my eleventh cup of Vodka and Strawberry soda.

Multiply that with three shots of tequila, and you've got yourself under the influence, which I definitely what u was.

The crowd cheered as Ace finally ended his handstand, giving his captivated audience a final bow before he made his way towards me.

"You ready?" He wondered, wiping his wet mouth with the back of his hand.

I nodded my response before quickly downing the rest of my drink and throwing the plastic cup into the trash.

I stumbled as I followed behind Ace in an attempt to catch up with him.

"Where are we going?" I asked him with slurred words.

"I was thinking we could go back to your house." His voice came off suavely as he laced his hand with mine.

To my house?

Am I just drunk, or is he implying...

"Unless you don't want to..." He added, the cool air brushing against my cheeks.

"I want to." I spoke impulsively, my heart skipping a beat as I walked home on pins and needles.

We snuck into my bedroom through the window, which was much harder than Ace made it out to be. How on earth did he get that telescope up here?

I entered through the window first, nearly stumbling into the dresser. Luckily, Ace had steadied me before I crashed and most likely woke up my family.

That would have been awkward.

I flipped the light switch on and bent down to untie my shoes before slipping them off and setting them on the ground before locking the door.

I then shifted anxiously in place as Ace slipped off his own shoes.

I moved over and sat on the edge of my bed, my heart palpitating harshly, almost to the point I think it may just break through my chest and run away.

Ace sat down beside me, his left knee grazing against mine as we sat their in awkward silence. I could hear my heart beat.

Ace put his right hand to my cheek, turning my face so that I was looking into his green eyes before caressing it.

I bit down on my bottom lip.

Slowly and gracefully, he leaned in to crash his lips against mine. His tongue met mine as my hands clasped either side of his neck. His right hand remained on my cheek, while his left hand traced up my jawline and brushed through my hair, grasping it.

Our tongues and lips separated, each of us panting as our faces were an inch apart.

"Are you sure?" He asked me through panted breaths.

Was I nervous? Hell yeah I was.

But I was ready to no longer be a virgin.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." I tell him.

With that said, Ace stood upright with both feet on the floor and pulled his t-shirt over his head, slinging it to the floor. He then tugged at my shirt, pulling it upward, his fingers stroke my bare chest as he helped the shirt over my head and out of my arms. He scrunched my shirt into a ball and slung it, continuing to kiss me with a burning passion.

I fall backwards into my bed, his body connecting with mine as he began dry-humping me. His lips parted as my hands clutched onto his undressed back. I held back a moan with closed eyes, biting my lip and frotting my hips and groin against his before he began kissing me again.






Prolonged Kiss.


He kissed down my lips, then to my neck, then down my chest and towards my stomach. His thumbs slipped into my pants on either side before pulling them down, revealing my unclad bottom half.

He held my erected dick in his hand and began stroking gently, causing me to bite my bottom lip and let out a soft moan. My toes curled as I writhed with pleasure.

After a moment of pure ecstasy, he released his hold on my throbbing member and stood up, a smirk on his face.

He seductively tugged at the lace of his pants, taking his time untying it.

He's giving me a striptease?

At a slow pace, he slipped his pants down and pulled them off of his ankles. I sat up, his above-average dick stiff before me.

I cannot believe this is happening!

I gulped nervously as his hands grasped chunks of my platinum dyed hair—gently enough that he didn't pull my hair out of my scalp—and guided me to his dick.

I opened my mouth and slowly engulfed him, my tongue grazing beneath. I inclined my head back and forth and a smooth motion and remained at a steady pace.

Soon after, he pulled away and helped me to my feet before bending me over the edge of my bed.

He reached over to the dresser by the window where we had come in and procured a condom and lube.

I waited as he slipped on the condom and applied the lubricant generously.

I then, after a moment, closed my eyes and braced myself as he pressed his dick gently between my cheeks.

Slowly and cautiously, He pushes it in.

I bite down hard on my bottom lip, fighting against a moan.

"Fuck yeah." He whispers from behind, pulling outward before gently thrusting himself into me again, his hands grasping my waist.

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