57. Cinnamon

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Charlie's POV

"Charlie! Wake up!" Nora demanded as she sat on the edge of my bed.

My eyes fluttered awake as I groaned.

"Can I get five more minutes? Jeez!" I mumbled as I rolled over and planted my face into my pillow.

"No!" She shoved me. "Mom's making breakfast and she said to get your ass up!"

There was nothing more annoying then getting woken up when you'd rather remain asleep.

I rolled back over and sighed. "Fine!"

Nora stood from my bed and headed back downstairs, leaving me to my thoughts.

Last night came rushing back to me.

It wasn't a dream. Ace Caldwell actually kissed me, for real.

Our lips collided, and the sensation of his cold hands clasping my face had sent chills through my body.

The hairs on my arm stood up just thinking about it.

A smile forced it's way onto my face as I dragged my legs over the edge of my bed and planted them on the carpeted floor.

The smell of crispy bacon wafted into my bedroom from downstairs. God I loved bacon in the morning.

I stood from my bed and followed the scent of bacon downstairs.

"Good morning, son." Mom greeted me as I slid into my regular seat at the table.

She was finishing cooking the bacon whilst Dad was seated at the head of the table with his laptop in front of him. Probably playing solitaire.

"Is there any coffee?" I asked.

"No, your father drank the last of it." Mom explained. "Didn't even bother saving me a sip."

Nora and I both let out a chuckle.

"Did you see that it was snowing?" Mom asked me.

"Yeah, i saw." I stated, still thinking about last night.

"Don't be dragging snow inside this time." Dad warned Nora and I with a low growl.

Mom placed a plate of freshly cooked rashers of bacon and scrambled eggs in front of me. "Thanks mom." I said before digging in.

"You're welcome. Now, hurry up and eat, we've got a lot of shopping to do for Christmas dinner and what-not."

I bit into a piece of bacon. "This is so good." I complimented.

I tore of a piece of my bacon and turned in my chair. Cinnamon usually lingers around the kitchen in the mornings, especially one days when bacon is being served.

"Cinnamon?" I called.

I pushed myself out of my chair and checked to see if he was hiding beneath the table.

"Where's cinnamon?" I asked everyone.

Nora just shrugged.

"Did you check your room?" Mom asked.

I quickly rushed upstairs to find him.

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