19. Break and Enter

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Ace's POV

"Everything." He said, his voice was soft and distant.

I felt uncomfortable. I don't like talking about emotions and feelings and whatever, I never have, it's an awkward thing to divest to someone. Talking about all the things that stick to your mind, it just wasn't for me.

"Life can be annoying sometimes." I said.

"But why does it have to be so hard?"

I didn't know how to answer that. I've never even dealt with my own emotions before. I just drank my weight in alcohol and chain-smoked cigarettes until I felt lightheaded. I've also done my fair share of drugs; weed, ecstasy, and a few random party drugs I don't remember the name of. But they didn't work, they only made me feel worse.

Thunder cracked in the distant greying sky, causing Charlotte to slightly jump.

"Great, now it's going to storm and I'm locked outside." He said angrily, to himself more than to me.

"Why don't you just break in?" I asked suggestively.

"Do I look like the kind of guy who knows how to break and enter? I'm not some delinquent." He snapped.

I smirked and stood up to walk to my motorcycle to get something that could help unlock his door.

Surely I've got something in the pannier that would help break into the house.

A paper clip! Perfect.

I returned to the front porch and opened the screen door.

"What are you doing?" Charlotte wondered, though he clearly already knew.

"Getting you inside before it rains. Can't have my science partner getting sick and leaving me with all the work."

I unwound the paper clip and proceeded to try and unlock the door. Bet I look very criminal right about now.

I inserted the unwound paper clip into the keyhole, twisting it around to unlock it.

It's been awhile since I did this.

Before you label me a criminal, I'd like to let you know that i am far from it. The only place I've ever broken into was my own house. My parents usually lock all doors after ten, and they aren't the type to leave spare keys in plant holders, nor are they the type to give their son a spare key so that I could access my own damn home.

My parents have definitely come to dislike me as of late. They barely even speak to me anymore. I'm like their annoying unwanted ward.

I finally hear a click and I push open the ornate front door, turning to face Charlotte with a smirk.

"You're welcome."

After struggling to get up onto his crutches, he eagerly goes inside.

"Thanks." He said in a downhearted tone.

He clearly wasn't alright. Maybe he just wanted someone to talk to? Like, really talk to. I sensed that he was clearly holding back before. I hesitated wether to go home before it rains or to stay.

I'm sure he's fine.

"I should go." I say, hinting at the rain clouds that were currently forming in the sky.


I felt bad. He's upset and home alone, I don't think those make for a great combination.

As if to spite me, the rain began to pelt down harshly. I clearly must have pissed off some deity. Honestly, what in the fuck?

"On second thought, maybe I could wait the rain out?"


He crutched out of the doorframe, allowing me access into his house. I noticed the many picture frames that decorated the vanilla walls the last time I came here, but didn't really pay attention to them. I paused, going over each picture.

Most of them were of a girl with similar hair and features to Charlotte. Did he have a twin sister? I confined scanning each picture, finding a picture of Charlotte with said girl. He looked extra nerdy in this picture and I swear he had the brightest smile I had ever seen before. The girl was also smiling, wearing a graduation cap and gown. She must be his older sister.

I came across a baby picture and an unfamiliar sound escaped me. I actually giggled.

"Is this you?" I picked the picture up to hold it in my hands.

He nodded a yes.

"This is hilarious! I have never seen a pirate baby before." I laughed.

"My parents are obsessed with pirates of the Caribbean." He said with an annoyed tone.

"It's adorable. What happened?"

He scoffed then playfully shoved me in the arm.

"So, why'd you want to leave the mall so quickly? Don't you like Pac-Man and laser tag?" I avoided silence.

"Wasn't in the mood." Was all he said.

I followed him into the living room and cautiously sat down on one of the recliners. I felt utterly awkward.

"So, what'd you do to Turner to deserve the leg?"

He stared daggers at me before sighing.


I gave him a serious and meaningful look, urging him to tell me more.

"He thought I told The Principal that he was bullying me, he got suspended from school and the team and he took it out on me." He summarised.

"Did you?" I wondered.

"Did I what?"

"Did you tell The Principal?"


"He sounds like a pathetic piece of shit." My blood boiled.

"He is."

Silence enveloped us for a good moment. I sat awkwardly in the recliner, taking a look around the room. He sat and picked off fluff from a throw pillow.

"Got any board games?" I asked in an attempt to diffuse the awkward silence.

"In the hall closet." He stated without moving.

I walked towards the entryway and walked to the hall closet.

Upon opening the closet door, I found a bunch of board games staring back up at me. Chess, I suck at. Cluedo, oddly boring. Scrabble, I hate words. My eyes fall on a box of Monopoly.

Can't go wrong with Monopoly.

I remove it from the closet, cautiously, as not to dismantle the entire shelves of board games.

I reentered the living room and sat the box of Monopoly down on the coffee table.

"Monopoly?" He questioned.

"Scared you might lose?" I goaded him with a smirk.

"Oh, you are so on!"

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