34. Oh My F**king God

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Ella's POV

Charlie had just left a few minutes ago, and it was nearing halftime.

"Hi, is this seat taken?" A feminine voice wondered.

I looked up and my heart went ice cold.

It was her!

The same girl I caught with Tom!

I could not speak. I was actually speechless, and not in the good way.

I was furious.

"Ella, right?" She smiled, taking the seat anyways. "Uh, Tom asked me to come and talk to you."

Did he now?

"Um, so, Tom did not cheat on you with me. We've actually been close for like, a really long time."

So he sends her to talk to me? Tell me pretty lies?

"No offence, but, if you and Tom were just friends, why didn't he tell me about you?" I crossed my arms.

"I don't know why he didn't mention me, especially since all he ever talks about is you. I mean, he's clearly in love with you."

She put her hand on my shoulder.

"I promise you, there's nothing going on between us. You would be more my type."

My heart stumbled as a smile crept across my face.

"Huh?" I looked confused.

"I'm gay." She says.

Oh. Ohhhhhhh.

Oh My God!

"Oh." Was all I could say before Tom's voice echoed throughout the field.

"Uh, this is dedicated to a very special person."

Oh my fucking god!

"I hope she'll take me back."

As he began to sing My Girl by The Temptations, my heart began to melt.

Charlie's POV

Well, that didn't go as I had hoped it would.

I didn't feel like going back home, so I ambled my way on crutches towards the park that was close by.

The same park I had gone to all the time as a kid.

It was silent and empty, perfect for the way that I was feeling.

I sat down on the steps to the gazebo and whipped out my phone at the sound of an incoming text.

It was Clayton.

Why'd you leave? It was epic!

I typed in my response.

Tell me what happened!!

Well, Tom sang 'My Girl' in front of everyone, he even had the cheerleaders dancing!

God, I think I'm attracted to cheerleaders now.

I laughed as I read his text.

Also, the girl who Ella thought he was cheating with was here, and let's just say she doesn't swing that way.


Was Ella mortified? Pls tell me you recorded it!

I waited for a response.

Yes I got it on record! I'll send it to you later. Clarence won so we're going out for pizza.

Okay, see you later.

Wait, are you gonna come out for pizza?

I couldn't say that I wasn't tempted. I mean, who doesn't love pizza?

Nah, I'm gonna stay in. I replied.

Okay, later dude.

I slid my phone back into my right-hand pocket, sighing before getting up on my crutches and making my way home.

As I walked home, I had a lot to think about. Instead of thinking about Ace, I decided to just focus on Ryan.

We were dating, but also, kind of not.

I mean, we've only kissed once. At least, I think it was only once. My memory is kind of dodgy.

When I imagined having my first real boyfriend, I imagined us spending more time together, and doing couple things. Like, holding hands and stuff.

I arrived to my house to find Ryan standing on my front porch, as if I had manifested him.

"Hey." Ryan smiled at me.

"Hi." I smiled, pausing at the bottom of the steps.

"What are you doing here?" I wondered.

"I wanted to see you."

"Shouldn't you be out celebrating with the team?"

"Yeah, but I didn't want to celebrate with them. I wanted to celebrate with you."

I couldn't help but smile at that. "Do you want to come in?"


I walked onto the porch and opened the door. My parents were nowhere to be seen, they must either be in their bedroom or they're out. Nora, on the other hand, was sitting in the living room with a bowl of popcorn.

"Where's mom and dad?" I asked her.

"They went out." She turned to see Ryan behind me and her eyes widened. "Who is this?" She asked.

"Hi, I'm Ryan." Ryan introduced himself.

"I'm Nora." She stuck a singular popcorn in her mouth.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Nora wondered.

"What movie?" I asked her.

"The Conjuring."

"No!" I practically shouted.

Nora laughed at me, as did Ryan.

"Charlie, it's just a movie!" Nora stated.

"That's based on a true story!" I turned on my crutches and started upstairs, Ryan not far behind me.

Awkwardness set it as we entered my bedroom and sat down on the bed.

"Are you okay?" He wondered.

I was nervously picking at my nails, trying to find the words to say.

"I-i, uh, i know we're kinda dating, but it doesn't really feel like we are." I explained.

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asked.

"No." I said. "Just, maybe we could hang out more?"

He held my hand in his and moved closer. "I like that idea."

Our eyes met, and then I kissed him.

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