10. Ace

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Ace's POV

I woke up to my little brother screaming at me, as if he were a human alarm clock.

"Wake Up Acey! Wake up!" He screeched.

I pulled my pillow from behind my head and threw it at him.

"Go away, Adam!" I groaned, rolling over.

"Mommy says it's time for you to get up for school!" He threw the pillow back at me.

Little prick.

I reluctantly rolled my eyes open, facing the ceiling overhead. Sunlight crept through the curtains that covered my bedroom windows, setting the room in a bright haze.

I could still taste last night's alcohol in my breath.

Adam vacated my bedroom and skipped his way down stairs. I grasp my hand on the sheets that covered me and threw them to my left side so that I could get out of my bed.

I drag my feet over the right side of my bed and let them land on the soft carpet below.

After sitting there for a moment, I forced myself to stand and made my way to my walk-in wardrobe to retrieve an outfit for today.

I pulled a black long-sleeved shirt from the rack, along with a black pair of cargo pants and a pair of black trunks.

After picking out today's clothes, I made my way to my ensuite, locking the door behind me as I proceeded to undress myself from my sleepwear.

I pulled my top over my shoulders, revealing my tattooed chest and arms. I looked down at my right hand wrist to where I had gotten my very first tattoo.

O. L. J.

I traced it with my left hand before sighing.

I continued to undress myself, sliding my pajama pants onto the ground, followed by my underwear.

I opened the shower door and turned the lever to warm, waiting a moment before getting in.

Warm water splattered against my body, raining down against my skin.

After showering for a good ten minutes, I got dressed and headed to the garage to get on my motorcycle and head to the Coffee House for my usual Cappuccino.

"You forgot to have breakfast!" Adam called as I sat on my motorcycle. I opened the garage door with a remote before responding.

"I'll get something on the way." I assured him.

"Okay, bye Acey!" He waved.

"See you later, little bro." I waved back at him before pulling my helmet down onto my head and proceeded to start my motorbike, giving it a few revs before dashing off.

I stopped by the Coffee House and ordered a cappuccino to-go. Every morning before school, I'd order a coffee to-go, then I would ride my motorcycle to the town's look-out—which was a five to six minute ride—and smoke a cigarette.

From up here, I could almost see the entire town. I'd always come up here to escape my life.

I parked the motorcycle in an empty parking space and sat down on a bench, sparking up a cigarette.

The town looked so small from up here, despite it being big enough for two high schools and about a hundred different stores. I wouldn't even begin to know it's current population.

I was struck by a sonder. Everyone down there had lives just as complicated as mine. I wonder if any of them feel as lonely as I do.

I hastily finished my cigarette and rushed to school.

Clarence High was nothing compared to St Griffiths. It was smaller by a landslide and had much less lunch options on the menu. But at least it didn't have spiked metal fences like it was a prison, so I could ditch class whenever I wanted.

I arrived at school and parked my motorcycle in the same spot I had since I started here, making my way to homeroom.

"Hi, Ace." A girl named Trisha approached me as I sat down in homeroom.

I made out with her at that Ella girl's birthday party, now she won't leave me alone.

"Hi Trina." I responded, forgetting her name on purpose.

"Jerk." She scoffed and flipped her strawberry-blonde hair behind her shoulder.

That afternoon for both fifth and sixth period, I had double Science class with Mrs Dandry. I entered late after i went off school campus to smoke a cigarette, only to find my assigned desk empty.

It's been over a week and Connard still hasn't been in class. Maybe he was sick?

I hadn't even seen whatever plant he chose for our paired assignment. Did he even pick one?

What do I care? It's not like I'll end up in college anyhow.

This past year has been rough on my grades, I doubt any University in their right mind would allow me to attend their campus.

When the final bell rang, indicating that it was time to go home and probably have a nap, I quickly gathered my things and headed towards the door when Mrs Dandry called me out by name and told me to stay behind.

Shit. Am I in trouble again?

I waited patiently for Mrs Dandry to start talking.

"Mr Caldwell, i was wondering if you could please deliver this week's worksheets to Mr Harrington on your way home?"

"Who?" I responded.

"Your assigned partner."

Oh, right. She's talking about Connard/Charlotte.

"I live on the other side of town." I stated.

"Yes, I know your parents. I also know that you live just a few blocks away from Charlie."

Okay, that's kind of creepy.

"Um, i guess I could stop by and leave it on his front porch."

"Thank you, I'll write down the address for you."

After jotting down Charlotte's address and handing me the envelope which contained the work he has missed, I quickly dashed out of the classroom and headed straight to my motorcycle.

I looked down at the address.

Mrs Dandry was correct, it wasn't that far from my house. Just a few blocks away. I'm surprised I hadn't seen him before I started at Clarence High. Then again, I don't expect we'd run in the same social circles.

I got on my motorcycle and began the journey to the address Mrs Dandry gave me.

It didn't take long until I was parked out front.

I pulled my helmet off of my head and retrieved the envelope from the pannier on the side of my motorbike, making my way towards the front porch.

I set the envelope down on the welcome mat and turned back to go home.

Maybe I should see if Connard is still alive?

I paused on the pathway to the porch and turned back to face the house, hesitating.

After standing there for a moment, I rushed back onto the porch and picked the envelope up from the mat.

Then I knocked on the front door.

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