The Beginning

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It seemed like any other day for Ash Ketchum; he was sitting down on his bed staring at the ceiling thinking to himself. Ever since he had graduated from school with Misty and Brock, it seemed that opportunities to hang out dwindled.

Ash, Misty, and Brock met each other when they were all little kids just enjoying life, but now everyone has to live a life and do their own thing.

Ash's bond with Misty and Brock was awfully strong especially with Misty. They both met each other when they were both 10 years old (They met Brock a couple years later). They always seemed to hang around each other during school and after.

Ash could remember the numerous memories he made with the two, and he wanted to arrange a reunion between the trio. But how was he going to do it? He hadn't met the two in years and didn't know what they were up to in the recent years. What if they were busy and couldn't hang around?

"What should I do?" Ash said to himself. He pondered for awhile and came up with a great plan.

"I know! I'll just go to Pewter and Cerulean City and we can just grab food at a place somewhere around Cerulean City." It was a great plan, now Ash just had to execute it.

Ash put on his jacket and hat that he had owned since the trio was young. It was a little tight, but it brought nostalgia to Ash.

Ash still lived in Pallet Town but he moved out of his mom's house, so the trip to Pewter City would only take a couple minutes.

Ash tried to run as fast as he could, he ran straight through Viridian City and Viridian Forest without stopping. The beautiful scene of the forest was breathtaking. The many Pokémon walking and enjoying themselves brought joy to Ash, it reminded him of the good ol' days.

Finally, he arrived in Pewter City and began to walk around. "He's probably hanging out in the gym." Ash thought while investigating the city. He stood outside the gym for awhile, "He's gotta be in here," Ash said.

Ash opened the colossal door with all his strength and walked around trying to inspect the arena. The lights were turned off so Ash's ability to see was weakened. Ash meticulously looked around the entire gym but the he couldn't see anything, suddenly, he heard something.

"Who goes there!?" a stern and strong voice called out.

Ash recognized the voice as his best friend and decided to call out to him, "Brock! It's me, Ash!" Ash called back.

There was a strong silence for a couple seconds before the lights were turned on; and there was Brock, standing there with a big smile on his face.

"Great to see you, Ash!" Brock said.

"Same to you!" Ash called back.

"So what are you doing here?" Brock questioned.

"I'm trying to the gang back together, want to come to Cerulean City to meet Misty?" Ash said.

Brock had to think about it knowing he was responsible for the Pewter City Gym. "Sure, I'll pass the gym duties to my father for today, and we can get going."


Cerulean City

Misty was sitting around Cerulean Gym, "There's nothing to do," she whined to herself.

Misty's sister, Violet, walked in and noticed Misty's melancholy attitude. "What are you doing?" Violet exclaimed.

"Nothing," Misty groaned. "I'm extremely bored."

"Well, maybe should go somewhere and have fun," Violet suggested.

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