Oak's Research

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Ash hung up the phone and looked directly at Misty, "It's Professor Oak, he's done some research on the case."

Everyone continued to look at Ash in excitement.

"You mean Oak can solve this case with with his research?" Brock asked.

"Knowing Professor Oak, he can definitely make a break in the case," Ash responded.

"What are we waiting for!" Misty interrupted, "let's get going!"

Everyone nodded and began the trip to Pallet Town. Considering how many times the squad made trips from Cerulean City to Pallet Town, they knew what they doing and the trip only took an impressive twenty minutes.

"I'm surprised y'all know who Professor Oak is," May said, "I figured he'd be too busy doing other things."

"We've known him for years now," Ash replied, "I'm thankful he is putting aside whatever Pokémon research he has for this."

When the quartet walked up to Professor Oak's door, Ash looked back and forth at the passcode and the door. 

"Do you remember what the passcode was, Ash?" Misty asked.

"I didn't even get to figure it out, Professor Oak just opened the door on us last time and didn't even tell me what it was," Ash complained.

As soon as Ash finished his sentence, the door jittered open and Professor Oak unveiled himself to everyone.

"Great to see y'all," Professor Oak smiled.

"Professor Oak!" Ash quickly turned around to greet the professor.

"I hope everyone is doing great right now," Professor Oak said.

"We've been better," Misty sighed.

"I understand," Professor Oak looked down before looking back up, "come on in, I want to discuss this case."

"You got any leads?" Brock asked in an intriguing manner. 

"Well, not yet," Professor Oak rubbed the back of his neck, "but I think I can help with this."

"We certainly need it," May breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, I heard Ash, Misty, and Brock received a knife used by an intruder in Cerulean Gym," Professor Oak said, "Do you remember what you did with it?"

Brock stood up and replied, "We gave it to Officer Jenny, is that a problem?"

"It definitely makes my solution a little harder, but I think I can manage," Professor Oak said.

"What do you need it for?" Ash asked with confusion.

"He's going to do research on it, what else would he do with it?" Misty raised an eyebrow.

"That makes sense," Ash jokingly smiled, trying to brush off the situation. 

Professor Oak walked up to his phone and dialed the number to the Cerulean City Police Department.

The conversation was quick, but it looked like Oak had fully convinced Officer Jenny to bring the knife over. She was a little hesitate, but Professor Oak told her situation and she headed her way to the lab.

"She'll be here in a couple of minutes," Professor Oak sat down, "for now, I also need to discuss something else."

Everyone turned there attention to Oak, he seemed serious and this was something that would either help the case or destroy it. Professor Oak seemed a nervous to say it, but he finally came out.

"I know this case is going to be tough. I feel like you four are in good need of help."

"Everything's going fine, it'll just take time to solve this," Misty replied.

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