Onto Sinnoh

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The doorknob twisted and the door slid open revealing Brock, May, and Serena.

Brock peeked around the room and said, "There you ar—,"

Brock immediately stopped himself and stared at the scene that laid in front of him. There was Ash and Misty entranced into each other's eyes, on the brink of kissing. The two quickly turned towards Brock, their faces flushed with embarrassment.

"Too soon?" Brock joked, trying to hide his bewilderment.

May and Serena looked past Brock's shoulder and gasped. May was shocked, but she was cheering on Misty the whole time, so she couldn't help but grin. Serena was between having a hint of jealousy and bursting out laughing.

May tried switching the subject, "We can talk about this later. Why have y'all been in here so long. You could've told us where you were."

"The door got locked," Ash stood up and vouched, "it's hard to describe the events, but we're being followed."

Serena had zero knowledge of what was happening and she wanted answers, "what are y'all talking about?"

"We've mentioned the murder mystery case with you, right?" Misty asked Serena.


"Well, I think there's a person out to get us. He keeps causing problems for us, they're the reason Ash has the arm cast," Misty explained.

"Every time someone mentions this murder mystery case, the more stressful it seems. You ever consider that your lives are at risk," Serena questioned, concerned for everyone's safety.

"I think that everyday," Ash sighed.

The room fell silent until Misty stood up and shoved the note in Brock's face, "Brock, we need to show you this. This was left by the man that locked up in here. Just ignore the beginning."

Brock snatched the letter from Misty's hand and immediately chuckled after reading the "Dear 'Love Birds'" part. Misty shot an intimidating glare at Brock and he swiftly changed his tone to avoid Misty's wrath. Brock analyzed the letter word-for-word. He was intrigued with the information and insulting.

"This note is very interesting," Brock said, "the last time we got something this fascinating was when we saw that letter at the Cerulean City Gym."

"This note has a lot more to take in," Misty pointed out, "there's something in there that unsettled me, aside from the obvious."

Brock looked and raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"I feel like there's another meaning behind the note. I can't think of it right now, but there's a crucial hint in there," Misty described.

Brock looked back at the note and stared at it intensely. Misty was right, there's something off in this note, there's a pivotal hint in here.

"Let's head back to Daisy and Lilly, we can think about this later," May suggested.

"I agree, but I want to ask Serena something," Ash said while standing up.

Serena and Ash locked eyes and Ash held out his hand, "Serena, I want to ask if you want to join us on our little journey. We could use all the help we can get."

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