The Interrogation

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It was about 10 o'clock now and everyone wanted to go to sleep, but now with Officer Jenny bringing up the idea of an interrogation, sleeping wasn't even an option anymore. Nobody wanted to be interrogated as the trio knew they were all innocent.

Interrogation can usually go up to 1 hours to a staggering 24 hours and Officer Jenny wanted to interrogate all of us.

"An interrogation?" Ash responded perplexingly.

"Yes, I will ask you some questions the entire night and if the accounts are valid and relate nothing to suspicious activity, I will allow you to join the case and solve the mystery," Officer Jenny explained. "So who wants to go first?"

"It would be an honor," Brock smoothly replied while getting on one knee.

Officer Jenny ignored Brock's flirtatious attitude and grabbed him by the hand, taking her past the doors.

"Follow me down to this door on the right," Officer Jenny directed.

"Yes ma'am, whatever you say," Brock continued, trying to declare his love like he does to every other girl he meets.

The two stood outside the threatening, silver door. Officer Jenny flicked through her keys to find the right key that would fit into this specific door. When she found the right key, she pressed it into the keyhole and pressed herself against the door. The door took some strength opening as there hadn't been a chance to interrogate anyone in years. When the door was fully open, Officer Jenny and Brock walked straight through. The room looked like any other interrogation room, two flimsy chairs, a table that stretched a good distance, and a dimly lit light hanging from the ceiling.

"Take a seat," Officer Jenny commanded.

"Gladly," Brock swiftly answered.

"Alright, I got a couple questions that need to be answered. You answer them with honesty and confidences," Officer Jenny said.

"Before we do that Jenny, I would like to proclaim my love to you. You keep me going on and you're the reason why I'm here," Brock exclaimed.

"First off, please don't call me Jenny, second off, I'm going to be here the entire night, don't make me regret it," Officer Jenny snarled.

"Fine by me," Brock responded without a loss of confidence.


Ash and Misty were left by themselves twiddling their thumbs in the police station. They both knew Brock's interrogation was going to take awhile so Ash wanted to continue a conversation with Misty. Ash quietly looked over at Misty, still looking depressed and drained of any energy as it began to rain outside.

"Misty..." Ash said faintly.

"You're pretty persistent, Ash," Misty deadpanned.

"I just want to comfort you in this serious moment, I feel like you need some support," Ash shrugged.

"I understand, I know I've been stubborn these past couple of hours, but can you blame me?!" Misty conceded.

"No, I can't really, I just know me and Brock can make this better, we will solve this case, and you can sleep peacefully knowing we were able find the person who murdered your sister," Ash proclaimed.

"I admire your determination," Misty said slumping back into her seat.

"You don't have to join in the case, you can sit back and Brock and I and solve it just fine," Ash said.

When those words came out of Ash's mouth, a fire was lit under Misty. Misty couldn't just sit back while Ash and Brock were solving a case about her deceased sister, she wanted to make the biggest impact possible in the case.

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