The Dance

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The day started like any other for Ash and Misty. They woke up, Misty uses the bathroom, and then Ash follows after. The day drove by and Ash and Misty sat around the whole day. However, Misty seemed somewhat excited about today. Ash wasn't necessarily use to Misty's eagerness and asked her what the situation was.

"Misty, you seem awfully excited today. Is anything going on today?"

"Today is the day of the annual Cerulean City Festival Dance," Misty nodded up and down.

"You have mentioned that in the past long before," Ash replied.

"We have to go," Misty said, "I need to show you how much fun you can have out there."

Ash was somewhat hesitant and needed to think, "what about the case? We have to solve that in a manageable amount of time."

Misty sighed and looked at Ash, "I understand, but I feel we need to have some entertainment every once in awhile. If we continue to dig deeper without catching our breath, we'll get burned out."

"I see where you're coming from," Ash smiled, "we can go and have some fun. I'll tell Brock and May to come by."

"Great!" Misty exclaimed, "I'm so excited that we can finally agree together."

"We do you mean 'finally agree?'" Ash laughed, "I thought we got together pretty well.

"We do," Misty chuckled back, "it just comes every once in a while."

The two got part ways to their rooms, and got ready to dress for the Dance. Ash scanned his wardrobe; he couldn't find anything that glaringly stood out, so he picked a traditional suit and tie and looked in the mirror. In the other hand, Misty frantically stared throughout her wardrobe. She wanted to find something that would immediately gain Ash's attention, but she couldn't figure it out. As she continued her search  for a dress, she believed she found one. It was sparkling red and felt almost hypnotic every time Misty looked at it. She knew it was as close as perfect got. Misty put on the outfit and walked out of her room. She walked downstairs and saw Ash laying down on his phone. Ash looked up and scanned Misty from top to bottom.

"I've known you for so long, how have I never seen this dress before!" Ash exclaimed.

"Well, it's a great dress, so it's only for special occasions," Misty blushed.

Ash brushed past the comment and stated the situation with Brock and May, "we'll see both of them around the time we get there."

"Sounds good," Misty smiled, "if that's the case, then we should probably be headed out."

"Will we be there on time?" Ash asked.

"The dance starts somewhat late, but it doesn't matter what time you get there." Misty explained.

"Understandable," Ash replied, "let's get going then."

The two set off through the towns, routes, and forests. They had done this same route for what felt like centuries, so the two could easily maneuver the thick grass and forest. Finally, the two managed to find their way to Cerulean City. The atmosphere was cozy as the sun began to set and Ash and Misty searched for someone they could recognize at the festival. Ash scanned the crowd and found Brock trying to convince ladies to dance with him.

"Brock!" Ash exclaimed.

"Not now Ash, I'm trying to declare my gratitude to the ladies for being here today," Brock stated.

"No offense Brock, but your experience with the 'ladies' is not ideal ever since I've known you," Ash admitted.

"I don't appreciate the honesty Ash," Brock said in hurtful manner, "but your criticism will not deter me."

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