The Note

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30 minutes Before Ash and Misty wake up...

Brock, May, Daisy, and Lilly watched the performances in the comfort of their seats. Watching fantastic moves and colors being put on display for the audience. The show was a quarter of the way through until May finally decided to speak up on something she was thinking since the show started.

"Brock, do you have any idea where Ash and Misty went?"

Brock looked at the Ash and Misty's empty seats and looked back at May, "now that you mention it, they've been gone for an unusual amount of time."

"Did they just decide to leave without telling us?" May worried.

"If they left, they would've told us," Brock pointed out.

He looked over at Daisy and asked a question, "Daisy, remember when you went down to that concession stand to get us all drinks?"

"Of course I do, why are you asking?" Daisy seemed concerned, wondering what Brock was about to ask.

"Did you ever see Ash and Misty down there?" Brock asked.

"Oh, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings very much, if they were down there, I didn't notice," Daisy admitted.

Brock looked back at May, "we need to find them."


"The door's locked, we're trapped."

Misty's eyes widened, "can you repeat that?"

"We're trapped," Ash repeated.

Misty's mind began racing, "how long have we been unconscious?"

"I wish I knew," Ash said while struggling to pull on the doorknob.

Misty began playing around with the knot that tied her to the bed, but to no avail.

Ash quickly noticed and insisted, "I can try and help you."

Misty wasn't too confident in Ash's ability, considering he couldn't even use one of his arms. But she ran out of options at that point, "sure, give it a shot."

Ash tried to examine the situation, "they really did a good job with this knot."

Misty awkwardly sat there while Ash sat there looking for a way to attack the knot, "are you making any progress?"

"Hold on," Ash quickly responded, "I got this."

Ash fiddled around with the knot, looking for a way to not only to untie Misty from the knot, but to keep her entertained.

"I was taught the best way to untie a knot in a Summer Camp years ago," Ash said.

"So you're basically a natural?" Misty remarked.

"You could say that," Ash smiled.


Brock and May thoroughly searched the gym in search of Ash and Misty, but there was nothing. Not even a single clue was found.

"Have you found anything," May asked, hopeful for a positive answer.

Brock gave a defeated expression and admitted, "I can't find them anywhere. It's like they disappeared."

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