The Room

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The sun was beginning to rise and Ash and Misty lay sleeping in their rooms. The two were knocked out during the night, since good sleep hasn't presented itself since the day before the murder. Finally, at some time around 9 AM, Misty woke up and stretched while yawning. She felt like going back to sleep, but she knew there was work to be done today. 

Misty looked around her room and began to think.

"I wonder if Ash is awake right now," she thought to herself.

She jumped out of bed and exited the bedroom. She walked down the hall to the closet door on the left. She carefully opened the door and saw Ash laying in bed. He looked like he was twisting and turning the entire night and was in a rather uncomfortable position when Misty saw her. Misty walked straight into Ash's room and began to vigorously shake Ash's shoulder. Ash jumped up and looked around the room disoriented. 

"What's going on?" Ash yawned.

"It's 9AM Ash, I'm just trying to help you," Misty shrugged.

"But I was really enjoying my sleep," Ash whined.

"You would've slept until lunch, like I said, I'm just helping," Misty laughed.

"Well, let me get ready and I'll be downstairs in a minute," Ash said.

"I call dibs on the shower first!" Misty exclaimed.

"No fair, it's my house," Ash fussed.

"And I'm your guest, the inviter has to help the invited," Misty smirked.

"Fine, just don't take long," Ash sighed.

"No promises," Misty winked.

Ash walked downstairs and sat down on the couch, waiting for Misty to finish her morning routine. 10 minutes had passed and Ash continued to lay on the couch, a little slumped down. He was enjoying Misty's company at the house. Usually, when he lived alone, he would just wake up and lay around the entire day, maybe going outside to meet the Pokémon walking around. But now he could talk to someone (and someone so close to him as well), he felt happy and comforted. In fact, he felt his relationship with Misty grow stronger since the day of the murder, which seemed morbid, but it was true.

Finally, Misty walked out of the bathroom. She walked downstairs and was greeted to a sleeping Ash sprawled out on the couch. Misty ran to Ash shook him once again.

"Ash! I'm getting tired of this," Misty said.

"I'm just tired, I need a shower," Ash yawned.

"Well, now it's your turn, knock yourself out," Misty replied.

Ash ran up the stairs while Misty waited in the living room. Misty just looked around the living room until Ash finally finished his turn in the bathroom. Ash ran down the stairs and saw a shocked Misty.

"That only took about 15 minutes!?" Misty said confused.

"Yea, how can you spend a half-hour in there?" Ash questioned.

"I need to look as great as I can for every occasion," Misty responded.

"You do you," Ash shrugged, "Can you repeat the plan for today."

"I want to go to the Cerulean Gym and get my belongings in my bedroom, maybe we could find sometime in there relating to the case," Misty explained.

"We should go and meet Brock and he could join us at Cerulean City," Ash suggested.

"Sounds like a great idea! Better to have three people than two," Misty replied.

"Let's get going," Ash said.

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