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May sat down and explained the situation that had happened in the Cerulean Gym.

"So what are you saying?" Brock questioned.

"Well, I think there's something we don't know hidden in plain sight," May confessed.

"What is Don McCullough hiding from us?" Misty returned another question.

"That's what I want to know," May replied, "he seems very determined in solving the case, but doesn't want us to get involved."

"I wouldn't say he doesn't want us involved," Brock objected, "I'd say he wants to get down to the bottom of this by himself."

"I guess that's one way to look at it," May admitted.

"I think we'll need to expand our ground," Misty stated.

"What do you mean?" Brock asked.

"This case involves more regions than Kanto," Misty replied, "for all we know the murderer could be in Sinnoh or Unova."

"Now that I think about it, we had to visit Hoenn to track down Don," May said.

"I'm certain we'll need to look past Kanto and spread out. The problem is when and where," Misty admitted.

"Well, first," Brock responded, "we need Ash to heal up."

Misty's eyes widened, "I forgot about Ash! Do you think he's alright?"

"Of course he's fine," Brock reassured, "you need to calm down."

"Sorry," Misty sighed, "I'm just worried about him."

"You are always so worried about Ash," Brock spoke up, "is there something going on between you two?"

Misty turned a bright red and covered her face to avoid eye contact, "well, uh, what makes you say that?"

"It's kinda obvious isn't it?" Brock asserted, "I should know how love works. I have my experience with the ladies, and I can tell you have something towards Ash."

"I admire the confidence," May laughed.

"I wish I could," Misty uttered under her breath before answering the bold accusation, "well, Brock, Ash is a great guy and his safety should be the biggest concern."

"I understand," Brock replied while trying not to smirk.

The room filled with silence straight after the interesting conversation, and Misty sat in a chair thinking of something to do. The day had flown by, and Misty watched as the clock ticked through the afternoon. Finally, Misty stood up and made an announcement.

"I'm going to head back to Viridian City," Misty stated.

"Sounds great," May smiled, "Brock and I will stick around and figure out something we can do."

"I'm good with that. There's a good restaurant just a couple minutes away from here."

"Great!" May exclaimed, "we'll see you tomorrow, Misty."

"See you too," Misty waved before walking out of the police station.

As soon as the doors closed between Misty and the other two, she ran in the direction of the Viridian City Hospital. She wanted to she how Ash was doing and she was just too concerned about him. She hadn't seen him since he had a whole bullet hole in his shoulder after all. She picked up the pace with every step she took, passing through Pewter City, around Mt. Moon, and straight into Viridian Forest. Normally, she didn't like going through the forest alone for her obvious bug phobia, but she needed to see Ash. As she left the forest, the Viridian City sign entered her view. She didn't know the layout of Viridian City well, but she knew where some places were located. The hospital stuck out like a sore thumb as the building had a huge plus sign on the roof. She walked in and before she could move anywhere, a worker behind the desk spoke up,

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