Good Cop, Bad Cop

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"Misty....Misty," a faint voice rang out as Misty tried collecting herself after last night.

Misty awoke and quickly opened her eyes to reveal Brock and May standing there.

"Are you OK?" May asked with some concern.

"If Ash isn't OK, then neither am I," Misty replied with much more concern.

"Don't worry," Brock said calmly, "Ash is recovering, but he won't be out until tomorrow."

"Great. That's all I need to hear," Misty sighed with relief.

"It's a great relief, but Officer Jenny told us to pick you up because she needs help with something," Brock explained.

"Really?" Misty arose from the couch and gave a confused look, "what would she need help with?"

"That's the thing," Brock quickly replied, "we don't know. She just asked us to pick you up."

"Oh, let's get going then," Misty responded without hesitation.

Misty swiftly walked through the door before Brock and May could noticed. They both followed after and the three made a dash for the Cerulean City Police Station.

"Do you have any assumptions on what Officer Jenny was going to say," Misty asked.

May tried to think, but couldn't draw any conclusions, "she was very secretive about the whole thing. We'll figure out when we get there, so it's not something to profusely ponder on."

"Yea, I understand," Misty continued looking straight, just ready to arrive to the Police Station.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, the Cerulean City sign became clear to the trio, and they arrived in the City they were all too familiar with. They walked into the Police Station and were greeted by Officer Jenny, who by the looks of it, was patiently waiting for the three to arrive.

"So glad y'all decided to show up," Officer Jenny said.

"Just doing what needs to be done," Brock replied in a charismatic manner.

Officer Jenny looked down to the ground and slightly blushed, "you just don't know when to give up."

"I simply never do," Brock smoothly responded back with a glistening smile.

"Ignore Brock for now," Misty interrupted the conversation, "what did you want us in for?"

"Right," Officer Jenny looked at her notes and then looked back up, "Misty, Brock, do you remember reading those details and looking at a list of the suspects early on in the case?"

"Of course," Misty said, "what about it?"

"Well, it took some time, but we've found one of the main suspects in the case," Officer Jenny took a moment before revealing the name, "Violet's boyfriend, Oliver Bryan."

Brock raised his eyebrows, "that's a pretty important suspect right there."

"He's got a lot of evidence against him," Misty added, "what to you want us to do with this?"

"He's in the interrogation room as we speak," Officer Jenny admitted, "I want you and Brock to interrogate Oliver. I know y'all aren't professionals when it comes to these types of interrogations, but I feel it best for both of you to partake in this."

May heard on before asking a question, "uhh... what should I do?"

Officer Jenny acknowledged May's question and responded, "I thought that you could investigate the Cerulean City Gym. I have a little map of the inside in case you want to investigate any places that haven't been visited."

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