Hasegawa's First Day

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Hasegawa Kei was a normal student, average grades and just-above-average luck. He also had an average build and was average height. Kei was a handsome man, fluffy black hair, ocean blue eyes and small freckles dusted his nose. This made him popular with the ladies, but everyone distanced themselves after finding out he was mute. That was the only not-average thing about him, Kei couldn't speak. At first it hurt him, people avoiding him because he can't talk, but he's come to expect it. Kei was born sideways so, his neck got squished in the process. A very rare occurrence, but it happened. Of course, his mother Akemi, loved him all the same. Her and his father Hiro, even went as far as to learn sign language for him.

When Kei went to school, he always carried his bag and a notebook with him, it was easier to communicate with others that way. Before Kei's first day at PK high school, Akemi privately visited the principal and explained her son's condition. The principal was very understanding and promised to make Akemi's son as comfortable as possible. Kei grimaced at himself wearing the uniform, it was flattering on him sure, but starting at new school was tiring, even if he was a second year. Transferring to a new school every other year is exhausting, even if his mother explained his circumstances prior.

The classroom was buzzing with people, many greeted their friends and sorted themselves into groups. It was their second year at high school, so most people had already found friends. Kei awkwardly sat his seat, 'When can I go home?' He thought. Unbeknownst to him, there was a certain pink haired boy who shared the same sentiment. The teacher came in and began taking attendance while everyone introduced themselves. "Hasegawa Kei." He gulped and raised his hand, hoping that he wouldn't have to speak. Saiki raised a brow at the distressed thoughts clouding the new guy's mind. "Now class, this is Hasegawa, a new student. And, he is mute. So I expect you all to treat him well. And he will be communicating with everyone by using his notebook. Therefore, please be patient with him." The teacher smiled.

Kei got a mixed reaction, most were sympathetic glances, some were thinking he was doing this for attention. The pink haired guy gave him a different glance however, one of... confusion? "Hey so, did you lose your voice because of the dark reunion?!" A kid with blue hair, Kaido questioned excitedly. Kei shook his head, 'He's an interesting one.' Kaido began mumbling about this 'dark reunion.' "Yo dude. I know you won't have friends so wanna be my pal?" Nendou asked, it was a straightforward question and his appearance kind of scared Kei, so he nodded with a small smile. But he could tell Nendou meant no harm.

Kaido and Nendou conversed and introduced Saiki to the new kid. 'Oh, he's pretty.' Kei thought with a smile and nodded at Saiki, a form of hello. Saiki nodded back. Throughout the day, a lot of people would try and converse with Kei, but some got fed up at how long he took to write, or some just talked to him because they thought he was faking being mute. Of course, Saiki was there and he heard Kei's thoughts. 'This kid really has it tough.' Saiki thought. Each time someone approach Hasegawa, Saiki would call Kaido or someone else to interrupt their conversation. Afternoon class came and the teacher called on Hasegawa to answer. He almost cried. Kei stood up, ready to write the answer when the teacher said "No. Sit down. Use your words." The class became deadly silent. Some were waiting for Kei to speak, while others were to scared to stand up for him. 'Shit, shit, shit. This teacher has to know I can't speak! What the fuck?!" Hasegawa's mind raced with anger and fear, Saiki found it impressive he kept such a calm demeanour.

Saiki made a telepathic connection with Mera, who said the answer aloud. "...Correct. But next time Mera, respond when you're called on please." The teacher gave her a warning, glaring at Kei before continuing the lesson. '...Everyone's the same.' Kei thought as his hands clenched tightly into fists. "Hey! Teach! You can't speak to one of my buddies like that!" Nendou said in a protective manor. Everyone was shocked. Kei had only been their a few hours, so to have someone stand up for him, almost brought him to tears. The teacher wavered and apologised before resuming class. Kei passed Nendou a note saying "thank you :)" in very neat handwriting. 'Maybe everyone's not the same...' It was a small gesture, but meant the world to the blue eyed kid. The next day, the perfect pretty girl, Teruhashi Kokomi made an appearance. 'Please don't come near me, please don't come near me!" Kei pleaded. This peaked Saiki's interest 'Isn't everyone in love with Teruhashi? Why isn't he? Is it because he's new?' Saiki had questions but no answers.

"Hello. You must be the new kid, Kei right?" Teruhashi smiled, showcasing her beauty. Kei scribbled on a piece of paper and presented it to Teruhashi. "Please don't use my given name. It's Hasegawa to you." Someone read aloud. Teruhashi's face went red with embarrassment, but she also wondered why Hasegawa wasn't falling at her feet and saying "oh wow..." or at least writing it down. "Oh, my mistake. Please don't be mad at me." She pleaded using her beauty as an advantage. Many guys were screaming at her, Kei scrunched his face in disgust. He waved a dismissal hand, a sign for her to leave, Teruhashi apologised again and then left. 'Ugh, she's so full of herself.' Saiki almost giggled at Kei's thought.

"Woah, Saiki! Did you just nearly laugh at my joke?!" Kaido excitedly proclaimed. Saiki was so caught up in Hasegawa's thoughts, he forgot about the two morons in front of him. Kei turned his attention to Saiki, intrigued by what Kaido said, tilting his head to hear more. Saiki denied Kaido's outburst, only now just taking in Hasegawa's breath-taking appearance. He could see why Teruhashi approached him, they would make a good couple, 'Good grief, why am I so fixated on this kid?" Saiki thought as he went home. Hasegawa, Kaido and Nendou followed behind him.

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