Last Day In Okinawa [1/2]

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It was the last day of Okinawa and nobody was happier than Hasegawa. He had expected this trip to be relaxing and a getaway from his school life, but it was just as rowdy and noisy. He had also
somehow convinced Kusuo to stay at the hotel and not flee back to his room. "I'm so excited for today! Aren't you girls?" Yumehara squealed as she walked down the hotel hallway. "I couldn't have said it better myself, I have been looking forward to this." Teruhashi tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh, morning ladies. How are we today?" Hasegawa panicked a little when they ignored his attempt at conversation. He would fell bad about this later, but Kusuo's hugs always made him feel better.

"Alright you children, listen up!" Mr. Matsuzaki's voice echoed throughout the dining hall, "Since this is the last day of this trip, I want everyone to stick to their assigned groups today, and no complaining! Now, any questions?" Lots of hands were raised, "Yes, the extra over there." Matsuzaki pointed to the student. "Uh, sir, you haven't told us what we are doing today." Matsuzaki looked taken a back, he had forgotten what the kids were doing today. 'Psst, help him out.' Kei pinched Kusuo in a threatening way. "Ugh, you're lucky I like you." 'Aww, that's a shame, because I love you~'

Seeing the different ways Kusuo tried to hide how flustered he was is Kei's new favourite thing. He blocked out Matsuzaki's speech and stared lovingly at his boyfriend. I swear he has little hearts floating around him.

"Hey what's this? Did someone not get enough sleep? Y'know little guy, if you don't get enough sleep, you'll stay short. Mayhaps you might even shrink." Nendou said, acknowledging the massive yawn Kaido let out as they were walking around. "Shut up! It's your fault I couldn't sleep!!" He shouted back. Kaido then went into a flashback of Nendou snoring loudly. When he went to shut him up, Kaido almost shit himself. Nendou eyes were rolled to the back of his head, all the veins in his eyes becoming prominent. His jaw was open but slightly clinched, almost like a silent scream.

"Oi! I wasn't the only one who was weird last night!" Nendou protested. Now it was his turn to go into a flashback. The previous night Kaido was sleep talking. He was quietly mumbling the first night, but it was more obvious this time. Nendou thought he was choking or suffocating because Kaido sleeps with a blanket over his face. Nendou wanted to be a nice friend and check on him but he also got the scare of his life. Kaido was mumbling creepily about the Dark Reunion, and with the blanket over his face, he looked like a ghost.

"Calm down guys. If it makes you feel better, I slept through all of that." Hasegawa tried to sooth his friends whom were having a weird fight. "Don't bother with those two. There such dummy's." Kusuo rolled his eyes. He was acting distracted, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but this was more than normal. 'Hey love, what's on your mind?' Kei asked. He hated always asking questions like that because he sounds needy, but when your boyfriend goes AWOL*, he can't help but worry.

"Sorry my love, I was just thinking about this flyer that I saw on the plane ride here. It said that there was this hole in the wall café that sells coffee jelly flavoured shaved ice. And I really want it." Kusuo adjusted his glasses with guilt. He also hated that he couldn't voice his opinions. But to be fair, he never really had people to talk to, and he could always read peoples mind if he needed to know anything. Kei understood this and was slowing getting Kusuo to open up to him.

"Hey guys! I need the bathroom so Saiki and I are going to look for one! We'll meet at this café in about ten minutes!!" Kei got his friends attention and then showed them the café that sells the limited coffee jelly shaved ice. "Uh, okay then. See you soon!" Kaido responded, unsure about the café's whereabouts. "Have a nice dump, buddy!" Nendou shouted after them. "Hey! Just be glad the girls aren't around!" Kaido sighed heavily. However he was quickly distracted by a salesman trying to scam him.

"What are you doing?" Kusuo asked. 'Okay first I do have to pee. And second, the sales people were getting kinda annoying.' Kei replied. Kusuo chuckled at his boyfriend, he could be so cute sometimes. After they found a bathroom, they decided it was best to go look for the girls, then meet up with the rest of the guys. 'Y'know, I'm surprised it's so easy to lose Teruhashi. Yumehara and Mera I'm not the surprised about. But Teruhashi? That's weird.' Kei said, gently swinging their intertwined hands. "Why? Because people usually surround her?" Kei stuffed some free samples in his mouth, confirming Kusuo's reason with a firm nod. "My little chipmunk." Kusuo smiled to himself.

"Hey, so, when do you think we should catch up with the guys?" Chiyo asked, holding Mera back from a free sample sign. "Well, at this rate," Kokomi gestured to their drooling friend, "We might not meet them for lunch." "Lunch?! When, where, are we having it now?" Mera snapped her head towards her friends, eyes sparkling. "Excuse me, sir! What flavour are these cupcakes?" Her attention quickly got snatched away, having noticed a baker putting out a fresh tray of goodies.

Chiyo sighed with exhaustion. "You know, I can look after her and you can go meet up with Kaido and the guys. I know you want too~" Kokomi giggled as she watched Chiyo go red. "I-I-I!! H-How did you know?! I-I thought I was good at hiding it.." "Oh! Don't worry! I won't tell, promise." "I trust you. And besides, I know who you like too! So if I go down, so do you!" Chiyo defended herself, her face calming down. "Huh?! W-Wait! I-I said I won't tell!" Kokomi waved her arms defensively. There was a split second silence before they erupted into a fit of giggles.

However they had to quickly swoop in to save Mera from getting yelled at by an employee. He was giving her a good earful about his free sample policy. Mera pouted because Chiyo and Kokomi laughed at her while apologising to the store employee. Having friends can really have its ups and downs.

*AWOL = absent without offical leave

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