Friendships in Okinawa

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"..You're right. I should've told you that I wasn't planning on sleeping here. I just.. I knew I wouldn't hear the end of me losing my control device from you." 'So your next thought was 'lets not tell Kei anything?!' Well, we can see how that turned out.' Kei faced Kusuo, angry tears rolled down his cheeks. He felt betrayed. How could his own boyfriend not trust him?! '..No wait, Ku, I'm sorry. I didn't sleep and I.. I'm sorry.' Kei felt disgusted by his own emotions. "No, Kei, It's my fault. I wasn't thinking properly." Kusuo didn't know relationships could be so hard. I mean, his parents have the most healthiest relationship probably ever. He just assumed Kei wouldn't mind if he was there or not.

Kei let a tear soaked chuckle fill the air between them, 'No, no, it's alright. Just tell me next time before you leave.' He held Kusuo's hand gently. "Yeah, promise." The two boys shared a kiss, the touch of their lips was what they had craved after the hectic night. "So, breakfast? And I'm gonna ignore the fact your didn't call me 'Kusuo.'" Kei's cheeks went red. It had just slipped out, and now he was embarrassed. 'If we're gonna play that game, then I'm gonna ignore the fact you spent the night with Teruhashi.'
"What?! C'mon you know that's not fair!"
'Hey, I don't make the rules.'
"Good grief." Kusuo laughed to himself. He missed the feeling of being himself, not having to worry about spilling his secret, and not worry about keeping his emotions in check. There was something about Kei that made him feel at home.

They made their way down the halls and towards the dining hall where breakfast was being served. "Look who finally decided to join us! Saiki where were you last night? You weren't in your bed at lights out." Hairo asked. Kei was going my to come up with an excuse but he couldn't find his phone. "Uh, Hasegawa? You alright there?" You could see the worry in Kaido's eyes. "Uhm, Hasegawa? Is this yours?" Teruhashi tapped him on the shoulder, she was holding his phone. He nodded enthusiastically, "Thank you, but where did you find it?!" "Oh, um, I, uh, just— I just found it and it looked like yours!" That had to be bullshit, but there was no signs of anyone tampering his phone.

Teruhashi returned to her seat, all the girls cooed at her. They definitely thought something was going on between those two. "So bud, where were you?" Nendou said, food spilling from his mouth as he pointed at Saiki. "What do you mean? I was here last night. Although I did go to the bathroom before lights out, so maybe you fell asleep before I came back?" "Oh, really? Maybe that did happen!" Nendou swallowed his mouthful before laughing. Hairo didn't believe Saiki's excuse, but they was no proof otherwise.

The dining hall started quieting down as people began to eat. You know when you're eating with friends and then you get your food and it's so good y'all just stop talking? Well that was the atmosphere surrounding our boys. Mera wasn't the only one who ate more than one serving, which was nice to see, considering most of the girls thought they 'had to be on a diet.' Teruhashi still kept her pp girl reputation, even though she was still a little hungry. Hasegawa on the other hand barely ate anything. He had a few grains of rice and bottle of water. "You okay? Why aren't you eating?" 'I'm good, it's just if I eat in the morning I feel it's all gonna come back up.' Kusuo looked surprised, made a mental note, but didn't push further. Kei saw Mera and Yumehara glancing over at him, he caught them a few times however that didn't stop them.

After a delicious breakfast, the students' day finally started. Matsuzaki hauled them on the buses, shipping them of to the pineapple garden. "Do you think they'll have free samples?" Mera asked Hasegawa, who was next to her on the bus. "Probably?" He replied, not really sure how to approach this conversation. "Mmm, I hope they do! Pineapple is good by itself, but have you tried it with chocolate? Or maple syrup? Or maple syrup and chocolate!"
"I have actually. Super delicious!"
Mera gives herself whiplash, "You have?! Seriously?!"
"Yeah, my dad's got a sweet tooth, and my mom like making things. It's a win-win for me."
Hasegawa then pulled up photos of what Akemi has made him, either food, clothes, or even books. Mera was secretly excited to learn more about a classmate, especially a male classmate. She was so lost in her thoughts that Kei waved his hand in front of her face to get her attention, "You okay?" He whispered. "Uh— Yes! I'm fine! W-What were you saying again?" She nervously laughed.

Surprisingly they got along well. Their conversation wasn't draining and the bus ride to the pineapple garden was over in a flash. The two were finishing up their conversation as they got off the bus, laughing as they split off into groups. '..Don't even. I can tell by the look on your face that what you're about to say is going to be stupid.' "So then you know that the girls are calling you a player, and that you're playing with Mera's feelings?" Kusuo's chest throbbed, but he pushed it aside. '...I didn't know that, but Mera knows that were friends.. I hope.' Kusuo did a little meddling behind the scenes to reinforce the good reputation Kei had upheld. "Nendou! Don't throw pineapples at Kaido!" Mr. Matsuzaki shouts from the bus. Nendou stared at Matuzaki, throwing one last pineapple at Kaido before running away from his little friend.

'You know, it somehow calming to see them act like that.' "If you say so." Kei laughed as he dragged Kusuo over to the free pineapple samples. Which is where they ran into the girls. Teruhashi spotted them first, tucking hair behind her ear as she "seductively" eats a pineapple sample. Chiyo burst out laughing, making Kokomi red in the face, Mera took the opportunity to stuff some more pineapple in her mouth. "Hey kids! I know it says free sample, but save some for the rest of my customers!" The pineapple garden owner shouted at them. The girls apologised, running away giggling. 'I hope this is the start of our friendship.' Mera thought, looking between her two friends.

"Wait I thought we were friends ages ago?" Chiyo said. "It was written all over your face, Mera. And I thought we were friends already as well." Kokomi mentioned, noticing Mera's confused expression. "Oh.. okay then. I've never really had time for friends, granted I still don't have any time, but anyway! I thought you guys only considered me 'a girl in the same class as you.'" Mera has a trace of tears behind her glasses. Chiyo and Kokomi shared a look before extending a hand out to Mera, "Friends?" They said in unison. Mera smiled brightly, taking their hands, "Friends."

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