The Statue Incident [2/2]

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'Looks like Toristuka and his band haven't practised.' Kei smirked. "Yeah, well, there's not a lot we can do there." Kusuo replied. "Morning guys! What do you think about my rock?" Kaido asked, some of his bangs covered his eyes; making him appear "mysterious."
"Oh, that's cool. What kind of geode is it?" Kei inquired.
"I'm glad you asked. It's actually enchanted." Kaido smirked, ranting about what the enchantment did.
"That's cool. I brought this." Nendou held a statue in his hand.
"Oh, are we showing our rocks? Look at mine!" Yumehara smiled, it was a heart. She seemed happy enough, considering it was cracked down the middle.
"Chiyo.. It's lovely. Mines a rose my mother found actually." Teruhashi said, not commenting on Yumehara's broken heart.

Hairo got all the rocks displayed at each persons desk, remaining anonymous to the guests. "What do you think? Does it look okay?" He anxiously asked Mera. "Yeah, it looks great, I swear." She reassured him. Hairo let out a nervous breath, "Alright thanks Mera." His smile made her smile too, "Thanks for your hard work everyone, go enjoy the festival! But remember when it's your turn to watch the attraction!!" This was an easy schedule they all worked out to make sure there were people in the class while others could still enjoy the other attractions.

"Teruhashi! Come walk around with us!" Nendou waved to get her attention. "Sorry, but I've got somewhere to be." She replied. Nendou and Kaido shared a look; one that said "let's follow her." Kuboyasu got dragged by Kaido and Saiki and Hasegawa tagged along too. The boys had found themselves in the bleaches to a beauty pageant, only Teruhashi was judging and not participating. "Uh, let's leave?" Aren said, noticing no one wanted to be there anymore. "Yeah, let's go." Kaido agreed. He was disappointed but Aren assured him he could still admire her.

"Ugh, why are there so many haunted houses and cafes." Nendou said disappointedly. "Well then why don't we just pick a place and stay there for a few minuets." Kaido suggested. "You guys go ahead without me, there's something I need to take care of." Aren crackled his knuckles, following a group of boys into a haunted house. 'Do you wanna follow them? I know there not fun for you.' Kei put a hand on Kusuos shoulder. As much as he gets spooked by jump scares, he knows Kusuo can see all the jump scares before they even happen. "Thanks love, but it's alright. Let's go after them." Kusuo reluctantly agreed.

Kei had closed the door behind him when Kaido started freaking out. Every little thing seemed to make him scream, even the exit sign. "Let's keep going." Kaido said, walking out the door. "Awh, come on lil dude!" Nendou dragged Kaido back in. "It's okay, I feel the same way." Hasegawa whispered. The look in his eyes told Kaido we was telling the truth. Nendou led the way with Kaido and Hasegawa hiding behind him, Saiki trailed behind at the back. "Boo, this ain't even scary." Nendou spoke too soon because someone had jumped out, but fainted because he saw Nendous face with ghostly lighting.

"Gah! What do we do?! Did you kill him?!" Kaido panicked. "Don't worry, let's hide the body." Hasegawa used his voice to spook his friends. Nendou and Kaido took the boy to his class explaining how he passed out, while Kei and Kusuo dressed up as part of the haunted house. "..What are you guys doing?" Aren asked seeing his classmates dressed for a horror movie. Just then someone came to take the place of the kid who fainted due to Nendous face.

Saiki explained to Aren the whole situation, he had to hold in his laugh. "Kusuo! I didn't know you were doing a haunted house!" Kurumi beamed her signature smile at him.
"..Let me wash this blood off and I'll explain." Ku sighed.
"Mrs. Saiki, what we're doing is actually a rock display." Kei told the whole story to Kurumi as Kunihara went to the bathroom after his son.
"Oh how exciting!" "Have you seen my son?" Midori interrupted the conversation.
"Sorry I don't think I have." Kurumi replied.
'Babe she's on to you. I'll stall for as long as I can.' Kei thought dramatically.
"Uh, funny story..." Nendou entered the bathroom and decided to fuck around with Saiki's glasses and got himself turned to stone.

Kei could only stall for so long before Midori decided to bust into the boys bathroom, luckily no one was using it. "...You made a statue of my boy?! That's so sweet." Midori brought the statue of her son down towards Saiki's class.
'...Saiki, what did you do.'
"It was an accident. This is the reason I wear glasses." Kei understood it was an accident, but this was little much for him to handle. 'Is there a way tk turn him back?'
"Not really. I had to rewind him wailer so if he breaks.. it's game over."
'...Jeez. Okay so all we have to do is keep an eye on him. Great. Awesome. Also, why are you wearing your dad's glasses?' Everyone had made their way to class three, and Nendou was already attracting attention.

"Hey! Keep your hands off of that!" Kunihara guarded Nendou like his life depended on it. He did that job a little too well because security had to drag him out of the school for acting like a maniac. "Oh, what's this! This is wonderful! The creativity, the design, the dedication! Mhmm I like this a lot. I hereby declare that class three has the best exhibit!" The principal declared. 'Shit.' Kei face palmed. "Hey, when did we have a Nendou statue?" A guy from class three asked. This was when they started to gossip. "Saiki, Hasegawa! Thought we lost you, oh did you get new glasses?" Kaido asked. "Oh yeah, they do look different. Congrats by the way." Toristuka said.

"Hey, Cyborg Cider-man! I caught Baron Cola!" Little Yuuta was sitting on Nendous shoulders, hanging on by his ear. Waving to Saiki had caused him to loose his balance and cause the statue to tumble. Kei dived for Yuuta, Saiki went for the statue. He panicked and didn't use his powers so the people around gave him strange looks. Kei calmed down Yuuta, the poor kid was shaking and crying, gripping his shirt for dear life.

"Nice catch dude! That dive was insane!!" Hairo laughed, "This statue is insane. No wonder we got first place! But when did we have a Nendou statue?" He wondered the last part. With some help, the statue got stood up right and the crowd had diffused. "Are your parents coming?" Kusuo asked; since it was now his and Kei's turn to watch over the exhibition.
'Nah, they've got work. This is just what's it's been like for me.' Kei shrugged. Toshi came through the door a few moments later, "Oh, this has to be yours right?" He asked pointing to Yumeharas broken heart.
"Ha ha, funny. But no, mine the moon."
"Shit, that's good." Toshi admired the rocks for a while.

Eventually Nendou returned to normal.

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