An Interesting Guardian Spirit [1/2]

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Kei had a throbbing headache, he groaned in pain as he tossed and turned in his bed. It was a good thing he didn't have school or he would be in agony the whole day. He forced himself out of bed and chucked on some shoes before trudging out of the house to get some medicine. Normally Kei would power through the pain, but today it felt like someone was splitting his head open. The mellow sunrise was calming and distracted him from the pain, until he noticed a strange looking kid force his way into Saiki's bedroom. Kei brushed it off, thinking it was just his headache and continued onward. Taking that medicine was the best feeling ever, Kei's head slowly stopped pounding as he walked home. He stopped abruptly when he saw that strange kid he spotted earlier in Saiki's room. The kid had purple hair and looked like he was really close with Saiki. A pit formed at the bottom of Kei's stomach.

Saiki sensed something uneasy and when he turned around, he saw Hasegawa go pale and ring the doorbell anxiously. Hasegawa's head was filled with anxious thoughts, Kei thought he was being replaced, but being replaced how? Is he restricting Saiki from having other friends? When the purple haired kid opened the door with a smile, tears formed in Kei's eyes and he left in a hurry. Saiki pushed the guest out of his house and towards his own home. Saiki glanced at Hasegawa's figure as he ran home, a frown formed on his lips when he saw Kei turn around with tears steaming down his face. Something in Saiki screamed he should go after him, but he went with Toritsuka instead. It was a mystery to both boys why they felt the way they did, Kei's not the emotional type and neither is Saiki. Kei pondered on the idea for hours before finally deciding to just sleep it off.

There was a commotion in school the next day, so Kei thought he could distract himself with something other than the kid he saw yesterday. Spoiler alert: the cause of his problems was the commotion at school. 'Toritsuka' was the kids name. Hasegawa got shoved around as students were asking Toritsuka if he could do something for them, telling them what spirits are protecting them or something. Kei was suspicious, and that caught Saiki's attention. He wasn't sure if Hasegawa would take Toritsuka's antics to heart or not. If he did, that could lead to Hasegawa figuring out he was a psychic. Kei thought it was nonsense, but when Toritsuka shouted and pointed to him, Kei felt weird. Like all his darkest secrets had been revealed. Saiki held a hand out to stop Toritsuka, who saw how concerned Saiki was about the freckled kid he had just pointed to. 'No wonder Hasegawa has that.' Saiki had regretted mentioning Hasegawa to the new guy, especially with how dirty Toritsuka's thoughts were.

A wave of relief washed over the pink and black duo, but that was short lived when Hasegawa pointed out someone. 'Of course, in comes the pp girl. Ugh.' Kei made a face of disgust and dragged Saiki away, leaving the beauty with the weirdo, who had already fallen for Teruhashi's beauty. Saiki let himself be dragged away, he has always wondered why Hasegawa drags him everywhere, and how he knows when he doesn't want to be there. 'You sure are a mystery.' "...ah, sorry. Did you want to.." Kei stopped waking, slightly embarrassed. Saiki shook his head, he would rather go anywhere with Kei than be stuck with someone else.

Hasegawa's eyes sparkled and he intertwined his finger together, 'Saiki sure is nice, he's a great friend!!' Saiki smiled and offered to walk him home. 'HOLY CRAP! SAIKI, THE SAIKI, JUST VOLUNTARILY ASKED TO WALK ME HOME!' Hasegawa nodded enthusiastically and he dragged Saiki down the stairs, who dragged Hasegawa the other way. If Saiki was going to use his         psychic-ness, it was now. A time when he didn't want to be interrupted. Oh how he wished he could stop time.

"Hey pals!" Nendou cheerily said, popping out from behind a door, spoiling the moment. Hasegawa jumped but awkwardly waved back. "Do you wanna go get ram-" "Hasegawa!!" Kaido looked like he had been running when he interrupted Nendou from behind him, "Did you forget you promised to go to the store with me today?" He let out breathlessly. "Oh, you guys are going shopping? Count me in!!" Toritsuka draped his arm over Saiki's shoulder, displaying how close they are. "oh sorry, let's go now shall we?" Hasegawa tired to escape Saiki's gaze, but everyone tagged along. Kei listened to Kaido as he failed to keep the fact he was 'Jet-Black Wings,' and something about 'the dark reunion' a secret. Kei tried to submerge himself in Kaido's world, rather than the world he was in. A world where the kid with the bandana was close, too close, to Saiki. What Kei didn't know was that Saiki wanted the same. He didn't want to be with Toritsuka, he needed to be with Hasegawa.

After the shopping, and ramen, they all parted ways. "Hey Hasegawa!" Toritsuka said after Kaido and Nendou left, "Did you know I'm a spirit median?" He said in a questioning way, like he wanted to scope something out. Hasegawa looked confused but slowly nodded, unsure if that was the right thing to do. Toritsuka's eyes sparkled and he babbled on about his 'powers,' and how he's never seen anything like this. '...Like this? What's he going on about?' Seeing Hasegawa's confused, yet intrigued expression Toritsuka explained what he meant, "People usually have their spirit guardian hanging around them, like that dude before, his was a chihuahua!" He giggled, "Anyways, you intrigued me because I've seen all kinds of guardians but nothing like this." "Enough. You're making him nervous." It was as if Saiki read his mind. Wait, read his mind? "Ah, sorry. But I meant it in a good way!! I swear!!" Toritsuka apologised and tried to reason with Hasegawa.

"It's just that your guardian looks like a... superhero." Kei tilted his head in confusion.           "Y-Yeah! Like the ones you see in comics! He's about your height and build-" Kei instinctively looked at Saiki. Saiki awkwardly looked away, he knew he was caught. Toritsuka picked up the weird vibe and quickly left, afraid of what the psychic might do to him.

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