A Little Food For Thought

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A/N: okay so i have made another story, one about queen clarion and lord milori from tinker bell (you should go check it out it's on my profile) so that's why i've been absent (also i forgot a lot of what has happened so it might not make sense)
but i'm actually starting to get back into things (for real this time) just have lots of assignments 🥲

"I can't believe we just did that. I can't believe I just did that." Kusuo panicked.
'Woah, calm down Ku. ...Did you hate it that much?' The two were sat in the bath together, facing each other; Kei hugging his knees.
"Oh, no! Sorry. It's just because it's a family home, I shouldn't have phrased it that way." Kusuo reached for his boyfriend's hand, squeezing it gently.

They talked for a few more minutes, deciding they were now too cold and got out. They put on comfy sweatpants and each others hoodies, a quintessential detail in a relationship.


Kusuo sat on the floor with his head in between Kei's legs (he was sat on the bed). Kei dried off Kusuo's hair, which was not as difficult as he had thought; considering the limitation devices.

"You guys must have a valuable relationship for lil Ku to let you touch his hair. He used to scream and cry if anybody other than his parents did anything to his hair." Kumi giggled, peaking in from the doorway.
"Grandma! That's so embarrassing." Seeing Kusuo blush in embarrassment was amusing. The two family members talked a little more. Kumi sat in a desk chair in the room, she wanted to hear more about her grandsons experiences from him. Kei took this opportunity to try out different hairstyles on his unsuspecting boyfriend.

'You should try having your hair up, it's pretty.' Kei continued to fiddle with his boyfriend's hair, chiming in on conversations that involved him and school. "..I might be out of line for this, but.. are you two.. more than friends?" Kumi hesitantly approached. "..You mean like best friends? Yeah, I guess." Kei's voice shook. Kusuo could tell what his grandmother meant, they both knew. Kumi wasn't going to pry for answers, she just wanted to be supportive.

Kusuo intertwined his fingers with his lover and looked his grandma in the eyes, "He's my boyfriend. We've been together some time now and I didn't want to tell you since I didn't know how you were going to react and mom said to just let it be but since you were asking and seemed sincere I—" Kei placed a gentle kiss on Kusuo's forehead, not taking a breath for a sentence that big was impressive.

'We didn't mean to lie to you, ma'am. We were taught that we should hide this since the world's a scary place.' The two boys waited with bated breath.

Kumi smiled at them, "You don't have to be so formal with me, Kei dear. You can just call me grandma." Kusuo's heart dropped out his ass he was so relieved. "Now, get to bed you two, we've got big things planned for tomorrow! And no funny business!!" The three of them chuckled.


Rowdy footsteps woke up Kusuo. The spot next to him was empty. Kei was out in the kitchen getting along with... Kumagoro?! Maybe he liked Kei's handwriting? Or maybe it was his bed head. Honestly, who could tell at the point. Kusuo's grandma and mother were getting ready to leave while his dad was on a phone call outside.

When his grandfather noticed he was awake and standing in the doorway, he was reverted back to being a little weird. Kusuo knew his grandfather cared about him, but sometimes he wished his grandpa would just come out and say it.

'Morning sleeping beauty. Care for a some breakfast?' Kei wasn't the type to have breakfast in the morning, neither was Kusuo, but he felt it would be polite to offer. "...Gimme five mins." Kusuo yawned and got ready. Today everyone was going to an amusement park, one from Kurumi's childhood.

Hasegawa excused himself, with the excuse of fixing his hair. Kusuo was brushing his teeth, almost asleep. 'Wake up.' Kei placed his cold hands down Kusuo's warm back. That earned him a smack on the cheek. 'Morning Ku.' "Fuck off." Kusuo's voice filled with malice.

'Jeez, who pissed in your cereal?'
"Your mom."
Kusuo knew someone would join them later, someone he has despised for a long, long, longgg time. 'Shit, I know it's the morning but fucking hell.'
"Kei! Could you come here please?" Kunihara shouted from inside. He got off the phone, he figured his son knew what was going on.

Kei waited for Kusuo to apologise or do something for that slap, but nothing. "Okay, so. There's been a slight change of plans. We'll still go to an amusement park, just not one in Japan." Kei was puzzled. "We're going to America!!" "What?!" Kei and the grandparents shouted.
"We already spoke to your family and they said they were happy for you to join us, only if you wanted to." Kurumi explained.

'...do you want me to come?' His thoughts were barely coherent.
"...yeah, sure, why not." Kusuo responded.
"If you guys are sure I can tag along, then I'd be happy to go." Kei hesitantly typed out.

"Yayy!! Then what are we waiting for?! Kusuo, pack your things we're leaving!!"
"Wait, how are you guys getting there? I didn't know you booked flights." Kumagoro questioned.
"What? We're not flying. Ku can just teleport us there..... shit." Once again, Kurumi let it slip.
"She means that metaphorically, you know, Kusuo booked the flights for us so he's taking us there." Kunihara covered surprisingly well.

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K || Saiki Kusuo x OC Male ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ