Saiki Messed Up?! [1/2]

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It's finally summer break, the school year has come to a halt, yet Hasegawa still has many things on his mind. Actually all he can think about is Kusuo, and Toshi is not helping. Ever since he had come back from Saiki's late one night, Toshi finally confronted him, "Hey, kid. Can we talk?" Toshi asked. "Ew, no. You sound like dad." Kei replied, setting Biscuit on his shoulder. "And yet you still wanna talk." Toshi chuckled. "Yeah, well, you only call me 'kid' when you need to say something serious." With the way Kei shifted nervously, Toshi could tell he knew why he was here. "Sorry, I don't mean to sound intimidating, I'm just worried! You've never taken interest in dating, romance, or even—" Toshi looked out the door making sure they weren't being eavesdropped on, "-boys!" He whispered.

Kei chuckled nervously, "I think mom and dad know by now." His embarrassment spread across his face. "Well, did you meet him at school?" Toshi smiled at his brother. Kei immediately nodded, rambling on so fast, making incomprehensible signs, and throwing in a few over-excited words too. Toshi watched in awe, their little brother is all grown up, but a weird sense of deja vu washed over him, they brushed it off and teased Kei about his 'little' crush on Saiki. "Okay, enough now. I've got somewhere to be tomorrow." "Oh~ Saiki's?" Toshi teased. Kei smiled at his older sibling, it's been a few years since they last saw each other, Kei missed these late night talks. "Are you crying?! Alright, that my cue to leave, night." Toshi ruffled Kei's hair before leaving. Kei giggled, wiping away his tears.

Saiki was loving the quietness of summer break, his friends were always so loud and full on, that it's nice he gets to have some alone time— expect for the fact he has to babysit his new neighbour. Kurumi informed him, the night before, that he would be babysitting Yuuta for the day. Considering the fact Kusuo has never babysat anyone before, and he didn't want to be alone with this kid, he (telepathically) called Hasegawa, only now realising they don't have each others number.

It took a few minuets for Hasegawa to be in front of Saiki's house, and he looked breathtaking. The way his hair was styled in the middle, but still looked soft and fluffy, the way his eyes glistened in the daylight, and the way his black pants complimented his purple hoodie was stunning. '..Can I come in?' Kei asked while Saiki was admiring his outfit. "Yeah." Saiki replied in a daze. Kei chuckled nervously, Saiki's black sweater and grey sweatpants made him feel things. It got awkward real quick, they didn't know what to say, obviously both boys wanted to talk more about the kiss, and what Yuuta's mom said* It also didn't help that Toshi was teasing Kei about his feelings moments before he arrived.

'...Uh, so, when's Yuuta getting here?' Kei asked, trying to sound casual. "In about thirty minuets." Saiki replied. 'Then... can we.. talk? About.. us?' Saiki had his eyes glued to Hasegawa a few moments ago, now he refused to look at him. However, the mention of an "us" made him curious. Saiki nodded, signaling he was listening, but refused to say anything. 'Okay. Well, um... sorry I'm nervous.' Saiki giggled, which calmed Kei down almost instantly, 'So, is there an us? I mean I think it's pretty obvious that I.. like you. Since day one, now that I think about it. But, like, if you don't want there to be an us, there totally doesn't have to be one! In fact, that's probably what your thinking! Sorry to be gross like this, you must be so uncomfortable! Right, I'm rambling, I'll see myself out! Later.. Saiki.'

Kei's feelings hit Kusuo like a bus. Yes, he knew Kei liked him, but he just assumed he would always. However, seeing his hands shake, his eyes pool with tears, his legs constantly shake, every little nervous habit shattered Kusuo's heart into trillions of little pieces. And now, it was too late. His own stubbornness caused him to lose the relationship he cherished the most. Kusuo thinks he actually might start crying, for the first time in.. well, ever.

"Cyborg Cider-man?" Yuuta called out from the front door. His innocent face was filled with worry, "What's wrong?! My mom said; 'That even if you have a fight with your partner, you still have to use your words!'" Oh, now it makes sense. Saiki got up on his feet, making sure Yuuta was entertained by the real Cyborg Cider-man, and ran out the door. He knew Kei wouldn't go home with his face like that, it's times like this where clairvoyance comes in handy.

Kei was heartbroken, tears streamed down his face, he ripped up pages of his notebook furiously. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Kei, please!" Kusuo shouted, tears in his eyes. His voice was laced heavily with emotion, raw emotion. Looking at each other was like looking in a mirror, they had the same broken look in their eyes. "No, stop! I don't want your pity!" Hasegawa shouted, taking a few steps back, "I-I trusted you!" His voice cracked, more tears were shed. Saiki stood there, shocked. A heavy blanket of silence fell on them. Kei was waiting, pleading that Saiki would say something, anything. Nothing. Not a word. "..Make me forget." "What!?" "Erase these feelings I have for you with something, anything, I don't care, just make them go away." Kei's eyes had no colour in them, it was scary how dull they looked. No, no, no! This isn't what's supposed to happen! We're the main characters! We're in the title for gods sake! This can't happen! 'You're right. We are in the title.. aren't we?' Kei smiled bitterly at the sky above him.

*refers to the last chapter [IT HAPPENDED!!!] when Yuuta's mom wished them a happy relationship :)

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