A Potenial Friendship

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Kei skipped school for the next few days, his family was walking on eggshells around him. He stayed locked up in his room, food and water was delivered to him, but he barely touched it. He felt like he'd been played. He opened up to people who he really cared about, and who he thought cared about him too. Thinking about it again sent tears pouring down his cheeks. Kei heard the doorbell ring, and since everyone else was out, he opened the door. He had red puffy eyes, his eye bags were just as bad, his hair was all over the place, and he looked so fragile. He opened the door, hoping to see Saiki, or anyone really, but he almost fell back in shock to see who it was, "...Teru..hashi?" "Goodness, you look worse than what I had imagined, but don't flatter yourself. I'm only here because I can't stand how sad you're making Saiki!" Teruhashi pushed her way inside the house, "Now, I don't wanna know your sob story, just get yourself cleaned up and then we'll talk."

Hasegawa looked at her like she had just killed someone. "Well? What're you waiting for? An invitation? Hop to it!" She commanded. He nodded and walked away in a daze, 'What the hell is going on?! Why is Teruhahsi here!? What would the pp girl want with me?!' Kei took a quick shower and threw on some clean clothes. He came into the living room to see Teruhashi mumbling to herself, "What am I even doing? I'm the perfect pretty girl and people should be doing this to me! Wah! Make yourself known when you enter a room, jeez." She sighed heavily. "Sorry, but what are you doing here?" Kei asked, sitting down at the edge of the couch. "I... I honestly don't know. Look, don't think of me as your friend or whatever, and don't even talk to me at school, but this is ridiculous! I don't know if you've noticed, but Saiki and his little gang really care about you! So stop moping, pick yourself up, be a man and talk it out!"

Surprisingly, she had good advice. Kei chuckled at her simple thoughts, "I wish I could, but what if they hate me?! What if they never want to talk to me again?!" Teruhahsi looked him up and down, "You haven't been at school for the past few days, but all they ever talk about is.. you. Like I said, I don't know what happened between you guys, but.. I know I'd kill to have friends like that." Teruhahsi treated each word like it was glass, like it would shatter if she spoke to loud. "...I'm sorry." She looked shocked to hear Kei speak, "I know I haven't been exactly the nicest to you, but thank you for coming here today." Small tears welled up in his eyes, but he wiped them away, "I'll come to school tomorrow, promise." Teruhahsi scoffed, "You better, because I am not doing this again." And then she left.

Kei felt a weight lift off of his shoulders, as to Teruhashi's word, he stopped moping, cleaned the house, let some fresh air into his room, and tried to be positive. Which didn't last very long as he almost shit himself (figuratively) as he neared Saiki's house the next morning. He saw Nendou, Kaido, and Toritsuka waiting for Saiki. 'Shit I almost forgot about him.' Kei thought with a guilty smile. Suddenly, Saiki came running out the door and dashed into Kei's arms. It shocked everyone, this was so out of character for him, but Saiki didn't care. The two embraced and cried in each others arms, until Kaido and Nendou joined them. Toritsuka watched with a smile, Kei's guardian spirit was back and brighter than ever.

"W-Where have y-you been!?" Kaido wailed, "You scared us! I-I didn't know what had happened to you! W-We thought..." Everyone looked sullen. "I'm sorry. I thought you guys would hate me." The page in Kei's notebook was soaked with tears. "Don't be a dumbass! You're our friend!" Nendou said. "Nendou's right. We could never hate you." Saiki said, still holding Kei's hand. "So, anyone wanna fill me in?" Toritsuka said, breaking the groups little moment. All eyes turned to Hasegawa, "not a chance." He poked his tongue at Toritsuka, who angrily yelled at him and begged him to be let in on the secret.

The group arrived at school, Toritsuka still begging. Nendou laughed when Toritsuka sulked as he walked to his classroom. Hasegawa stopped in his tracks when he came face to face with Teruhahsi, it was still weird to think she helped him. "Good to see you, Hasegawa." Teruhahsi said, and this time she didn't seem as annoying. Hasegawa fumbled for his bag, "moring!" He got some strange looks but brushed them off, he was considered a weirdo before so why would this be any different.

"Hey. Since when do you know Teruhashi?!" Kaido, Nendou, and Saiki cornered Hasegawa at lunch, demanding answers. "since my first day... i think?" "What?! But didn't you hate her?!" Kaido shouted. "i have a tendency to judge people to quickly i guess." "Introduce me! Please!" Nendou pleaded. "sorry, but i'm not that close to her, i'm about as close to her as you guys are." Hasegawa's reply seemed to bring the mood down, but Saiki was suspicious. Something told him there was more to the story, and that he wouldn't like it.

Of course, god and lady lucky were shining down on anyone but Hasegawa. His english class had a buddy activity, and who was his partner you might ask? Well, it certainly wasn't Saiki. It was... Takahahsi, a.k.a* fish lips. He was a blabber mouth, and obsessed with Teruhashi. Every chance he got, Hasegawa was surrounded by questions about Teruhashi. At one point, he almost screamed at Takahahsi to shut up. Thankfully, Saiki saved the day by changing to be Hasegawa's partner, don't ask how he just did.

"Okay. I've been patient, but what happened to you?! And why are you friends with Teruhashi?! And don't bother lying, you talking to psychic, remember?" Saiki had cornered him, literally. He used the bathroom excuse on the teacher and dragged Kei with him. 'Okay, so, don't be mad, but... thereasonimatschoolisbecauseofTeruhashi' Kei waited with baited breath. He wanted to see Saiki jealous, but instead he let out a sigh of relief, "I thought.. never mind. Whatever the reason I'm... glad you're back." Saiki smiled and they hugged again. 'Well shit. Maybe I should take more days off of school if this is the treatment I get.' They giggled, and something in Saiki almost snapped. Maybe it was the new light he saw Hasegawa in, or maybe it was his freckles that stood out more to him, or even the way his smile was contagious, whatever it was, Saiki couldn't help but kiss Hasegawa sweetly.

*also know as —I know I have some followers whose first language isn't english so any abbreviations I have, I'll make a note at the end of the chapter :)

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