Nendou and His Family

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"I'm hungryyy!!" Kei whined though his phone, "Baby waby, I'm hungryyy!" "You absolute knobhead. School just finished." Kusuo stated. Kei was not having his attitude, "Kaidoo, Nendouu, I'm hungryyy." He was really pushing his luck. "Well, if you're hungry, we can get some ramen at my place?" Nendou said, ruffling Hasegawa's hair. "Yay! Thanks dude!" He smiled at Nendou. "I'm down." Kaido replied, he was going to ask Kuboyasu to join them but he left school in a daze.

'You joining babe?' Kei smirked, knowing Kusuo was, "Alright then, lead the way Nendou!" Kei said, almost walking in the wrong direction. They chatted on the way to Nendous house, Kei's friends learnt to be more patient with him when we went to type things out. They also laughed to themself when he made spelling errors. "Hey kid." They were on the home stretch to Nendous when a women called out to them "Oh shit. How many are there?" Saiki internally face palmed. Kei was confused until the women came into view, "Oh, hey ma!" Nendou looked happy to see her. Nendou and his mom looked almost identical, except she had a full head of hair and makeup on. Also, we are going to ignore the fact that his dad is Toristuka's spirit guardian or whatever. "Thank you all for looking out for my son." She said, smiling at her sons friends.

'Y'know, knowing that Nendou looks exactly like his mom is kinda scary.' "Uh, no problem ma'am." Hasegawa fumbled for his phone, too lost in thought. "Please continue to be his friend." She winked at them, sending cold chills down their necks. Kaido couldn't believe his eyes, he was even inches from her face and he still couldn't believe it. "Do I have something on my face?" Nendou's mom said, making Kaido step back in shock, "No ma'am! We're happy to be your sons friend!" He said, apologising to Nendou instead of his mom. He kept apologising but mixing them up. 'This is hard to watch.' Kei sucked on his bottom lip, feeling the cringe. "Calm down kid, it's alright. But to be honest, he looks more like his dad than me. Oh, Riki did your hair get longer?" Midori* said, glancing at her reflection in a random mirror outside someone's house.

'..Ah, fml*. Also how many Nendous are you seeing?' Kei just wanted to be fed at this point. "Three, it's a long story." Saiki also could do with some snacks. Hasegawa talked with Kaido, making sure he wasn't freaking out. "I'm fine, just worried about Kuboyasu." Kaido whispered. "Oh? How come?" Hasegawa lowered the volume on his phone. "I don't know, I.. I just feel bad when he sits by himself."
    "Y'know, you can go and sit with him, or invite him to sit with us." Kaido went silent after that, Kei thought he hurt his feelings. However when they arrived at Nendou's house, and in his room, Kadio perked up a little.

"..Can I raid your room?" Kaido spoke after a few minuets. "Knock yourself out." Nendou said, sitting on a pile of cushions that acted like a chair that was leaned up against the wall. Kei was the first one to start shifting through Nendou's things. It was interesting to look around his room and it being so... Nendou. Kaido tore the bookshelf apart in search of porno mags, and when he found one he flipped through it; but put it back just as quickly as he took it out. "Aww~ Is someone getting flustered~" Kei teased Kaido. "Shut up!" Kadio shot back, cheeks burning hot. Kei spotted a family album on the top shelf so he gave Kaido a boost so they could reach it.

While those two were joking around, Saiki was getting down to business. He needed to figure out why Nendou's dad was still here and why he couldn't pass on.

Saiki went into a room that had a picture of Takeuchi Riki*, and noticed that he saw it too, "I wonder how he'll react." Saiki's query was not left unanswered for long because Takeuchi burst out laughing when he saw his picture. "He's been gone seventeen years. It's been hard without him, but the days of mourning are over. It still feels empty here without him, but I can feel him close by." Midori appeared out of nowhere, kneeling on the cushion placed in front of her late husbands picture. Saiki saw that she was right about one thing, he was close by; but he resisted the urge to gag as she was kneeling on his face. Mirdori stayed silent for a moment, she eventually left and Takeuchi sprung at Saiki, "I think I've fallen in love! This woman has to be my soulmate!" Saiki really didn't want to hear this, but it made some sense because they did use to be married. "If I can tell her I love her I'll leave!" "Deal." Saiki was more than happy to get another Nendou off his back.

"Kaido!" Hasegawa whisper-shouted from Nendou's room. Saiki panicked but opened the door to see his boyfriend and Kaido recreating poses from the porn magazine Kaido found before. "...I think I need the bathroom." Kaido sprinted out the door, magazine in hand. "Do I want to know?" 'Uhhh, no, not really..' Kei looked embarrassed but quickly changed the subject, 'Anyway, did you find anything?' "I did actually," Kusuo calmly said, pulling Nendou's spirit out from his body, "Now that his body is empty, you can fulfil your wish." He said to Takeuchi. 'Is there a catch?' Kei asked, fascinated once again by his boyfriends abilities. "There is, if Nendou isn't back in his body within forty four seconds, he'll die basically." Saiki urged Takeuchi towards Midori. Kei smiled to himself, sometimes Kusuo and be so cute.

"Ma'am!" Takeuchi place 'his' hands on Midori's shoulders, "I love you! Like a lot, like more than you can imagine! Like I want to kiss you! I love you, I love you!! I love yo—" Nendous body collapsed to the floor. "Oh dear.." Midori didn't seem to worried. Kaido and Hasegawa watched in shock, Midori didn't seem bothered that her own son was saying he loved her romantically. 'This family is too weird.' Kei managed to say. "Yeah, but at least he can pass on peacefully now." Kusuo was over it now. "Oh, looks like these books he's been reading has really helped him mature." Midori said, waving around the porn mag Kaido had before. Takeuchi was not able to pass on because Midori had accepted he was dead and so she thought it was Nendou going through a phase.

"..It was nice meeting you but my moms calling me home!" Kaido said, clearly uncomfortable. Hasegawa and Saiki took this opportunity to leave as well, "Uh yeah same here, I have to make dinner." "Yeah, my mom said we're going out for dinner so gotta get ready." All three of them thanked Midori and Nendou for their hospitality before bolting out of there.

*fml = fuck my life
*Midori is nendous mom, and his first name is Riki
*also his dad is Takeuchi Riki

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