Did They... Go On a Date?

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Kei was at home, chilling with Biscuit, when the doorbell rang. Reluctantly, he opened the door with Biscuit on his shoulder, immediately slamming it shut when it was just a sales person. They knocked again, "look dude, i'm deaf. go away." Kei had a disinterested look on his face. The salesman awkwardly apologised and went to the next house. Later that day, Saiki knocked on his door. 'Saiki?! And why are you knocking?' Kei didn't get Saiki's usual reaction, instead he looked puzzled, and expecting something, "Saiki?" Kei said, hoping to gain his attention. Saiki looked excited and took off a ring he was wearing. 'Since when do you wear jewellery?' "Since this salesman dropped it at my door, and it blocks my telepathy." Kei looked back in shock, 'Holy shit. Wait, is that a good or bad thing?' Saiki shrugged and explained how everyone seemed like a Nendou to him.

'Ew no. I don't wanna be a Nendou.' Kei whined. "Are you busy at the moment?" Saiki asked, more nervous than he intended. 'I'm not, just babysitting, why?' Kei pointed to Biscuit gliding around. "There was always one place I wanted to go to if my telepathy ever went away... do you want to come with me?" Kei giggled at him, 'Give me a minute to look presentable and I'll be right behind you.' After changing out of his pyjamas, Kei told his parents he was going out and Biscuit had everything she needed to be alone for a few hours. 'So, where we going?' "Movie theatre." Saiki pushed his glasses up excitedly.

After Saiki secured the tickets, and Kei brought snacks (from his house because movie theatre snacks are expensive) they started waking to the theatre. Saiki jumped at almost every person they encountered, so Kei held his hand, "Try not to worry." He smiled at Saiki, who nodded in response. "Saiki?! A-And K—Hasegawa too?!" Teruhashi shockingly said from the seat beside Saiki. Kei glared daggers at her, he was thankful she used his last name, but why did she have to be here. Saiki noticed how nervous she looked, and he thought about using his telepathy, but Kei stopped him and reminded how he had always wanted this opportunity. "Hey. What do you two think your doing with my Kokomi?!" Someone said removing their sunglasses.

"Oh my god, it's him! It's Tōru Mugami!" A girl squealed. The two boys looked down at the poster for the movie, knowing the familiar name, and he was indeed the star of this movie. Suddenly they were being pushed to the side and knocked around as fans tried to get close to Mugami. 'Well, of course if anyone was going to ruin this day, it would be the pp girl and her asshat of a brother.' "Wait, brother?" Saiki asked, taking the ring off for good. 'Yeah, didn't you see the resemblance?' Kei saw the defeated look on Saiki's face and decided to distract him, 'Oh, come here.' Kei dragged Saiki into a little ice-cream parlor, he sat down in a booth while Kei ordered. He came back with one salted caramel, and one coffee jelly. 'Trust.' Kei smirked and watched Saiki's face light up. At least he could make him smile.

'Uhhh, random question, but could you find Biscuit
for me? Please?' "Your sugar glider? Yeah, she's at my house, why?" Kei let out a massive sigh of relief and typed on his phone, 'Dad said she was missing.' "Glad I could help." Saiki smiled. When they entered his house, Biscuit came rushing at them, she squealed in excitement. "Hey little one." Kei rubbed her head, she jumped onto Kusuo's shoulder where she happily stayed. "Sorry, do you want me too..?" Kei went to move her but Saiki let her stay there. Kei's parents started apologising. "We're so sorry this happened! I don't even know how she got in here!" Hiro explained. "It's alright. We're just glad she's safe!" Kunihara said.

After more back-and-forth apologising, they ended up having dinner at Saiki's, with Akemi and Hiro cooking. After they ate, Kunihara put the TV on as background noise, when Kusuo dreaded the knock that came. Kurumi opened it puzzled, but soon squealed when she realised it was Mugami Tōru, Akemi joined her shortly after. "What's going on?!" Hiro and Kunihara came rushing out from the kitchen. "It's Mugami Tōru!!" They squealed. Mugami introduced himself, and mentioned he was here to see their son. Hiro pointed to where the two boys were, and Kei scowled at him as he entered.

"Stop that you peasant." Mugami sneered at Kei, he was a different person when there was no audience. "Enough. What do you want?" Saiki commanded, shoving dessert in Kei's mouth. "I want you two, especially you, to stay away from my little Kokomi." Mugami pointed to Saiki. "Why should we listen to you? Who are you to tell us what to do." Kei glared, Kusuo was shocked, and a little scared, he spoke. Mugami laughed before looking Kei dead on, "I'm her brother, my real name is Makoto Teruhashi."

Kei and Kusuo shared a look and almost laughed, then Makoto went on a tangent about how he will be the only one to marry Kokomi, and for good measure, Makoto started throwing insult after insult at the two as they quietly watched. After they gave no reaction, Makoto gave one last warning, "Stay away from my sister or you will regret it." He sounded and looked crazy, but soon he left. 'You have to admit, that was weird right?' Kei said, astonished at the whole situation. "Definitely." Saiki replied, relieved Kei seemed back to normal. When Makoto left, both their mom's were hounding them with questions, but Kei and Kusuo said, "We met by accident, and we don't know anything." However, their problems on just started. From that moment on, something changed in Hasegawa Kei, and Saiki was going to find out what and why.

When Makoto returned home, Kokomi was furious with him, and out of anger shouted she hated him, slamming her bedroom door in his face. Makoto was out for blood, and one way or another, he will keep all men away from his precious little, darling Kokomi.

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