There's a Homosexual In The Hasegawa Family?! (not clickbait!!)

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"HA! Take that, bitches!" Akemi shouted triumphantly. "Ugh! No fair!" Hiro groaned, falling back into the couch. Kei stuck his tongue out, refusing to look at his mother. "Jeez, when did you guys become such sore losers?" Akemi scoffed, drawing the playing cards towards her, "It's not my fault y'all suck." She added, shuffling the cards together. "Wait!" Hiro said, snatching the cards from his wife, "It's the way you deal! It all makes sense now! That's how you cheat." It was a slight flick of the wrist, but Kei noted how perceptive his dad can be, and the smirked plastered on his mom's face. "Hey, its not cheating unless you get caught." Akemi shrugged, taking a swig of wine. "You did get caught though, cheater. Also, why are you drinking? It's like 10am?!" Kei went to grab the glass, but Akemi downed the rest of it. "Playing games is no fun, unless your prepared to do dumb shit if you lose." She giggled. Kei looked at his dad, expecting him to do something, but Hiro just dealt the cards and demanded a rematch. Kei sighed, wondering why his parents were bigger children than him.

After a few more rounds, and Akemi not dealing, she was down half a bottle and lost all self respect for herself, "Noooo, this isn't faiirrr!" She whined. "Sucks to lose, doesn't it?" Kei gloated. He watched as his parents faces turned white as, once again, their son was winning. "Ugh, whatever. I'm hungry." Hiro complained, his stomach growling in agreement. Kei chuckled, "I'll go make something. You two clean this up." He ordered. Akemi moaned like a child, but still did as she was a told. Kei didn't like it when his parents drink, (because their boss is a massive alcoholic, so every company gathering she forces everyone to drink a lot) but if he was there to supervise, what could go wrong?

Just as Hiro started drooling over the smell radiating in the kitchen, his attention snapped towards a window. Akemi drunkly laughed at him, before her attention was snatched away too. "Uh, mom? Dad?" Kei turned off all appliances, and nervously walked over. There were three cats.. fighting? One white, one grey, and one tabby cat. The grey cat looked female and like she was being threatened by the tabby cat, "...C'mere kitty." Kei opened the window, motioning for the cats to come to him. All three cats looked towards Kei, and the white cat immediately strolled over, rubbing Kei's hand on its head. The tabby cat ran away, like it had done something naughty, the grey looked at the white with lust, Kei grew a little uncomfortable. He picked up the white cat and brought it inside, determining that it was a male.

"Awhh, he's so cute! I just wanna squish his widdle cheeks!" Akemi squealed. Hiro patted the cats head, "You can keep him, but be aware that you already have one pet. C'mon, honey." He said, picking Akemi up bridal style. Kei sighed, still patting the purring cat in his arms, he knew he couldn't keep the cat, but a little pat never hurt anyone. "Okay, that's enough now." Said a familiar voice. 'Holy fuck!' Kei whipped his head around in all directions, also dropping the cat, 'What?! Where are you?!' "I am the cat." Saiki jumped down from Kei's arms, only to be scooped back into his arms. "No! Put me down!" 'But you're so adorable!' Kei nuzzled his face into Saiki's stomach.

Saiki couldn't help but purr, which made Kei giggle to himself, 'So, wanna tell me why you're a cat?' Kei lied down on the couch, Saiki on his stomach. "I made the mistake of helping the orange cat. And I can change my form into basically any animal." He explained hesitantly. Kei immediately knew why Saiki explained it the way he did. "Hey, kid. We're gonna eat now." Hiro announced, serving the food Kei made earlier, humming a soft tune as he went back to his tried wife. '...Whether you're a cat, a human, a gorilla, or even a snake-' "-you'll always be Kusuo Saiki-" '-the worlds weirdest psychic to me.' Kei said sweetly.

Just then, Saiki turned back into his normal self, tears welled in his eyes. 'Ah! Please don't cry! I'm sorry!?' Kei wrapped his arms tightly around Saiki. "I'm not crying!" Saiki protested. 'Yeah, yeah. Want some food?' Kei wiped the stray tears on Saiki's cheek, walking towards the kitchen, giving Saiki a serving before he could deny. "Why ask if I don't get an option?" He said, sitting at one of the counter chairs. Kei shrugged and gave a little chuckle. The two ended up talking for hours about Saiki's abilities, they were tangled up on the couch when the front door almost fell off its hinges, "Mom! Dad! Kei~! Guess who's finally home!!" Saiki caught Kei rolling his eyes and sinking into the couch, accidentally pulling him down too.

"There you are! ...What are you doing?" The visitor pointed to them. Kei pulled the finger and stuck his tongue out, 'Please ignore him. That's my older brother, Toshi.' Saiki gave an acknowledging wave, dragging Kei off to his room. By now Hiro and Akemi had woken up, so Kei let himself be dragged off. "Explain." He demanded. Kei sighed heavily and began giving an explanation, 'Toshi was my older sister, blah blah traumatising stuff, blah blah goes by he/them pronouns, blah blah blah now my brother.'  Kei doesn't care if he has a brother, or a sister, but it's not his place to explain Toshi's situation. "Huh, and here I thought you would disapprove. Based on what happened before." 'Oh, no. That's because last time they came here he killed my fish. Not a big deal I know, but to my twelve year old self, it was a very big deal.' Saiki chuckled and thought he should go home.

Saiki went back to being Sai, the cat. Kei gave him one last head pat and Sai strolled back out the window. "Where is that bastard!?" Toshi screamed, slamming Kei's bedroom door open. "What bastard?" Kei replied innocently. Toshi made some incoherent noises, almsot tearing his hair out, "That guy that was here! You guys were dry humping on the couch!" Toshi pointed accusingly at his brother, who turned red with embarrassment as Akemi poked her head into his room, "...I don't wanna know." She yawned. Toshi angrily stomped to his room, they were going to get to the bottom of this, 'Just you wait Kei, I will have my revenge!!' (Note: Toshi is not a villain ((but y'know how we do those creepy laughs sometimes, yeah it was that moment))) He looked in the mirror and giggled, "Fuck, I'm such a child. But I really wanna know who my precious, sweet, dearest, little brother is dating."

Kei felt cold shivers down his spine, and he could tell Toshi was going to be keeping an eye on him. 'Who knew being in the closet was so hard?'

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