Scared Answers..

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He didn't have a reply...His voice couldn't muster a sound...He felt as if his heart was going to explode..Yet he felt so grateful..He was so happy to be accepted..Tomioka felt his eyes start to swell with tears of happiness but he held it inside.

"What the fuck do you mean 'Flashy Couple' ," Obani said as he looked confused.

Shinbu gasped in shock and anger when her eyes fell on Giyu's hand that held the glittering ring.

"You Fucking didn't," Shinobu said as she fumed in anger.

Sanemi smirked, "Why wouldn't I?"

Tomioka just looked away.

"Fuck you Sanemi Shinazugawa..And Fuck you Giyu Tomioka..This is all your fucking fault—Don't even join us I wish you would just go to hell!" Kocho screamed in anger at the couple and grabbed the robe on Tomioka Shaking him violently before she made a grab at the ring and threw it.

Tomioka pushed her off—He didn't want to hurt her tho so he made sure it wasn't to strong but once her slipped from her grasp he ran in the direction the ring was thrown.

Tengen grabbed Shinobu and pushed her using his hand he called Iguro to quickly follow as he followed—Tho he was still confused.

Tomioka searched desperately outside near foresty area—He looked for slight shines and glimpses of glimmering diamond—But nothing showed up..If only he had been faster..If only he was stronger..If only he didn't care..If only—

Shinazugawa grabbed his hand giving it a light squeeze pulling the crying male into his arms.

"It's fine," Sanemi said as his hand went to the back of his lovers head gently caressing the back of it, playfully playing with his hair in hopes of calming his future husband.

"N-..N..No it's m-my fa-fault.." Tomioka stuttered through his tears.

"It's just a ring...We will always still be together.." The White haired male said as he held the smaller one close.

"I-I know but...Y-You got it for me.." The Shorter male was bawling his eyes out—He felt as if he had just betrayed this man.

"I swear...I love you..It's fine," The lavender eyed male said as he kissed his head.

The ocean eyed male nuzzled deeper into his chest.

"Plus..That was only an engagement ring..I can't wait to see you in a wedding ring~" Sanemi teased in hopes of getting the crying man to at least break a smile—He succeeded and the crying one broke into a grin.

"Y-yeah your right.." Tomioka said as he nuzzled into the taller.


The romantic mood had been broken with the call of their crows..


In an instant their happiness was broken..Their eyes widened and they looked at each other—Tomioka's crow held the thrown ring and gave it to the Water Pillar before they changed to their uniforms and headed straight to the Pillar meeting.

Their walk was silent—the atmosphere was filled with grief and worry. The ocean eyed male would shift his sight to his lover sparing anxious glances.

They arrived and waited for the others and as they waited they would pop in not all at once but at random times—Once they all arrived they awaited the Masters arrival.They had been waiting in silence for awhile—Shinobuo being kept away from the couple by Mitsuri who had been told what happened by Tengen. She was utterly disappointed in her friend and scolded her tons—Once she did she then headed to the newly engaged couple and apologized—Just then she was interrupted by the voice of their master—


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